
Lazy wifi days in La Sousta

October 17, 2006


For the first time we actually have free wifi from our campsite! Its like coming to an oasis in a desert. It is not exactly normal, it comes and it goes and is sometimes useless, but still it is better than most places that we have been and it is wonderful to be able to surf the web some and catch up. Mozart loves playing the games on cyberchase at PBS kids in between playing outside. This La Sousta campground (next to Pont du Gard ) is also a great place to take a break as it is so quiet and pretty. I bet it is booming in high season, but hardly any one is here now.

We are finding that it is important to take some down time on a long, open ended tour like this. We especially need it now because DaVinci has a head cold or flu and is out of it. When people travel they usually take a little recovery time when they get home, so for us we need to take our recovery time as we go. We are starting to look forward to southern Spain and village life in one place for a while and a bigger space. We have things in the camper we can not even find. It will be really nice not to have to pull out the digital piano every time it is played and what will I do with a bigger kitchen? It will be quite luxurious to have a house and a camper for a while.

I am sorry we are going to miss Northern Spain as I was really looking forward to that. But something had
to give and it seemed that was the wisest to sacrifice at this point. I thought about getting in at least San Sebastian and Bilboa, but that did not seem the best choice because of weather and time. We will just plan to do that part of our trip next September when it is the ideal time to be there. We decided to do more of the Luberon part of Provence and enjoy our ride down the sunny coast of Spain now that we are here. Our fulltiming RV family friends have already beat us down there! I was thinking they had to drive back from Italy, but they took the ferry across.

This morning Mozart wanted to go swimming in the pool which we meant to do yesterday and somehow never got to it. Partly because I did not think she would do it as it is not that warm to swim and the water is cold. But she had a ball playing with the frigid water and did go all the way in for a few short bursts, then we were off to a nice hot shower next door. Her joy for life gives me such pleasure just watching it. I wish I had brought my camera with me.

Mozart and DaVinci hiked over to Pont du Gard again this afternoon. They were glad they saw it again but it was more crowded today since it was Sunday. Mozart did her violin practice there for fun and to get a little video for our record  and she attracted a crowd. People take pictures of her for no reason, so hard to miss her when she is playing the violin. The tour buses must have thought she was part of the photo op ;) They met a really nice woman from Canada who comes from a family of musicians and was very supportive of her musicality. They also got a scrumptious waffle while there that was covered in sugar, chocolate and whip cream that they raved about. Some lady from Salt Lake City asked to take picture while she was eating it.













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