
Spanish Dancer

November 25, 2006


Mozart got her flamenco outfit for her dance class and I could not resist taking a few pictures just in front of our house. She is really getting good at the moves already and I will have to do a video soon and put that on the blog as there is just something too cute about a six year old doing Flamenco. We were only out there for seconds, but we heard lots of “que lindo”’s from people passing by. Definitely an archetypical outfit to fit the setting and her passionate spanish blood.

She is really loving the class and we will have to take her to a live performance soon. We have been watching some performances on video online similar to that which I left on the other blog entry about Flamenco and it just excites all of us.It is right up our alley with its passion, creativity and improvisation. Hard to watch it without wanting to stamp your feet and clap your hands too and feel the depth of the singers, dancer and guitarists emotions.

I worked on catching up with the blog while they went to the nearby town today to handle some errands which included getting this outfit as she really needs the skirt and shoes to progress at this point. We are still looking for things to connect the mac and those problems and we were in the mood for Chinese take out.

We went out to dinner last night to our friends restaurant around the corner, so looking forward to a night staying in tonight with the DVD and popcorn. Just a nice lazy Saturday after doing a little music and home school. Mozart picked a new doll dressed in Flamenco clothes as her treat for finishing her latest math book.







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