Family Arrives!
February 21, 2007
The Three Generations tour begins! Mozart has been counting down the days and telling everyone in the village and at her school that her abuelo (grandfather) and auntie were coming to visit her. She was beyond excited when the day finally got here.
We have five adults and one child, so we rented a van to do some touring and getting that through the narrow village streets and loading it up was the first adventure. Then we took a bunch of boxes (of mainly books and some toys & heavy ski clothes) to our friends in Malaga who live not too far from the airport. They were gracious enough to allow us to store these things with them until we return next winter. It was fun to see them for a quick visit and hug. They also looked up the flight our family was arriving on, so we knew their flight was delayed a bit.
We made it to Malaga airport with not too much trouble. Airports tend to be a little challenging to begin with and even more so when one is reading all the signs in a foreign language and they are doing extensive construction. We made one minor wrong turn, but luckily we found some people that told us how to correct that.
We made it to the right terminal just in time, but then someone told us to move along in Spanish, so we found a way to make a big circle back. That time no one told us to move, so we just waited and waited. Finally we saw a woman walking towards us with a cap on her head from the wrong direction. We couldn’t see much of her face because of her sunglasses and cap.
I said, “That couldn’t be BJ could it?” and as she got a little closer we could see that it was. We did not expect her to come from that direction so it threw us a little and we did not even recognize her. She is usually in stylish business type clothing, so this sporty travel outfit and cap also surprised us.
Our Octogenarian and his seventy six year old lady friend had already had their fill of walking all over
the airport, so we needed to move up to where they were to pick them up. They were well into their own adventure as he had packed all his medicine in a suitcase that they checked and it was missing, adding lots of anxiety to their mood.
That did not stop the hugs and excitement though to our greeting or loading up what they did have. Mozart ran to her Grandpa for her long awaited hug and she was chattering away in excitement. We were still learning how to work every door, window, radio and various things on our rental van, but eventually we
got it all squared away. We were greatly relieved when BJ came back the second time with good news about them finding the missing suitcase.
We loaded up and headed toward Marbella and most of it was pretty easy except the last few minutes trying to find the hotel which has horrible signs and directions. We kept asking strangers a few times and finally got there. It was good to check in and they had a lovely glass of punch available for all. We flagged down two friendly fellows in a cart who helped us find the parking garage and brought our luggage up for us, so that was painless and easy.
We all just rested, gabbed and unpacked. Mozart could not wait to give all the presents she had made for them and she in turn got some presents too that she was quite pleased with (more dvd’s)! We brought some of the wine that we bought in Burgundy and a few groceries and we went to the store in the complex and picked up a few essentials. We all breathed a sigh of relief that all had gone fairly smoothly considering all things and enjoyed the opportunity to relax and enjoy this time together as the family gathering began.
It had been a really long day for all of us and they were still dealing with jet lag still, so it was the perfect place to just kick back and recover a little. It was a typical beautiful day in southern Spain, although a little breezy right on the ocean. It was a time-share, so everything we needed was provided and the service was good. We enjoyed the soothing sound of the nearby large fountain and ocean and pool views.
The Three Generations tour begins! Mozart has been counting down the days and telling everyone in the village and at her school that her abuelo (grandfather) and auntie were coming to visit her. She was beyond excited when the day finally got here.
We have five adults and one child, so we rented a van to do some touring and getting that through the narrow village streets and loading it up was the first adventure. Then we took a bunch of boxes (of mainly books and some toys & heavy ski clothes) to our friends in Malaga who live not too far from the airport. They were gracious enough to allow us to store these things with them until we return next winter. It was fun to see them for a quick visit and hug. They also looked up the flight our family was arriving on, so we knew their flight was delayed a bit.
We made it to Malaga airport with not too much trouble. Airports tend to be a little challenging to begin with and even more so when one is reading all the signs in a foreign language and they are doing extensive construction. We made one minor wrong turn, but luckily we found some people that told us how to correct that.
We made it to the right terminal just in time, but then someone told us to move along in Spanish, so we found a way to make a big circle back. That time no one told us to move, so we just waited and waited. Finally we saw a woman walking towards us with a cap on her head from the wrong direction. We couldn’t see much of her face because of her sunglasses and cap.
I said, “That couldn’t be BJ could it?” and as she got a little closer we could see that it was. We did not expect her to come from that direction so it threw us a little and we did not even recognize her. She is usually in stylish business type clothing, so this sporty travel outfit and cap also surprised us.
Our Octogenarian and his seventy six year old lady friend had already had their fill of walking all over
the airport, so we needed to move up to where they were to pick them up. They were well into their own adventure as he had packed all his medicine in a suitcase that they checked and it was missing, adding lots of anxiety to their mood.
That did not stop the hugs and excitement though to our greeting or loading up what they did have. Mozart ran to her Grandpa for her long awaited hug and she was chattering away in excitement. We were still learning how to work every door, window, radio and various things on our rental van, but eventually we
got it all squared away. We were greatly relieved when BJ came back the second time with good news about them finding the missing suitcase.
We loaded up and headed toward Marbella and most of it was pretty easy except the last few minutes trying to find the hotel which has horrible signs and directions. We kept asking strangers a few times and finally got there. It was good to check in and they had a lovely glass of punch available for all. We flagged down two friendly fellows in a cart who helped us find the parking garage and brought our luggage up for us, so that was painless and easy.
We all just rested, gabbed and unpacked. Mozart could not wait to give all the presents she had made for them and she in turn got some presents too that she was quite pleased with (more dvd’s)! We brought some of the wine that we bought in Burgundy and a few groceries and we went to the store in the complex and picked up a few essentials. We all breathed a sigh of relief that all had gone fairly smoothly considering all things and enjoyed the opportunity to relax and enjoy this time together as the family gathering began.
It had been a really long day for all of us and they were still dealing with jet lag still, so it was the perfect place to just kick back and recover a little. It was a typical beautiful day in southern Spain, although a little breezy right on the ocean. It was a time-share, so everything we needed was provided and the service was good. We enjoyed the soothing sound of the nearby large fountain and ocean and pool views.
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