Happy New Year!
February 05, 2007
Our first New Years Eve in Spain started with a bang...actually lots of them as they have been popping
away for days. We just joined the small, happy crowd as they headed past our door towards the main
square a short distance down the winding cobbled street. “Feliz Ano Nuevo” and smiles were on everyones lips, Mozart was jumping for joy and fireworks were filling the sky and exploding loudly. It was eleven thirty and we were carrying our bag of goodies like everyone else, champaign and grapes. We could not
help but be caught up in the excitement of this unique way to celebrate.
We are not really party types, so we spent a pretty quiet sunny day mostly at home. Plenty of tourists were around during the day with their T-shirts and shorts on, but most of the people who live here have warmer clothes on (perhaps because it is warmer outside than it is inside these houses or maybe because it is their winter, but most tourist are coming from cold winter climates). The daytime temps in the sun are usually around 75 to 80 F, but much cooler inside our house, so we usually open windows in the morning to let the warmth in or take off a layer when we go outside. The night was quite balmy too, but things do cool down quickly once the sun sets in its typical showy fashion. We can feel it in the house immediately when the sun sets, but also just cooking supper at that time warms up the entire main floor (that we have yet to use a heater in).
It is funny when the tourists sometimes peak into our open window that faces the street and then look
a little shocked and embarrassed when they realize we are just living life inside here, as I am sure they
are expecting an empty house. We need to keep it open for the light it brings into the house and enjoy observing life as it goes by, usually unseen by those outside. It is better entertainment sometimes than a TV. We get a show while we eat in the dining room or looking down from Mozart’s room or playroom, tho we do spend most of our time in the back area near the big window that faces the ocean and mountains.
We had fun playing with the walkie talkies that Mozart got for xmas as well as making lots of things out
of her Klutz clay creations which she just loves. (Thanks mom for sending more cool clay!) She has been enjoying her Boomerang audio child’s magazine as well as Jim Weiss’s story CD’s on Shakespeare, Egyptian Treasures and Greek Myths. Mozart has long had a passion for Greek Myths for some reason, so we have been rereading together a bunch and going into greater detail as we prepare the way for our trip to Greece this spring.
We all really enjoyed this nights dvd selection, Japanese filmmaker Miyazaki”s “Spirited Away” and were terribly comfortable when it was time to head out to the celebrations. Since DaVinci and I are introverts
we were VERY tempted to just stay in our cozy bed, but Mozart was already excited about all the banging noises and could not wait to join the party and see the excitement outside. I must admit I was a little nervous with all the banging going on (especially with a young child) and almost preferred to just watch
it from our window or terrace at most.
But we realized that this was a chance of a lifetime and thought we should not miss the experience.
As I saw other families and young children and babies go by our window and door, I felt more confident, assured and excited. Everyone was in a jovial mood and Mozart was excited to see lots of her friends who were already there. We did not spend all night dancing as some did, but are really glad that we went and had this experience. Mozart could have stayed all night dancing, singing and running with school friends,
but we were glad to get back into our cozy bed.
DaVinci fixed one of his great brunches that we ate out on the main terrace on New Years Day soaking in the sun and views. We talked about our goals for this year and had a pleasant, relaxing day. Mozart picked the dvd of the day, Zeffirelli’s “Jane Eyre” which we all REALLY enjoyed. Our idea of a good party is cuddling in bed, eating ice cream or organic popcorn and watching a good movie or reading good books. (Grin).
But there will be a few more holiday celebrations and parties in our near future. Today we go to a New Years party at our friends restaurant with tapas and champaign, the night of the 5th is the big three kings celebration and Mozart is going to a long planned play date and have her PJ party here that she has been busy planning for since we arrived.
Feliz Ano~Nuevo,
Bonne Annee,
Felice anno nuovo,
Prosit Neujahr,
Godt Nyttår,
Kenourios Chronos,
Scastny Novy Rok,
Sretna Nova godina,
Xin Nian Kuai Le,
Antum salimoun,
Heri Za Mwaka Mpyaº,
L'Shannah Tovah,
Naye Varsha Ki Shubhkamanyen,
Hauoli Makahiki Hou,
Happy New Year!!!!!!!
No matter how you say it, here’s to wishing everyone a wonderful New Year!
I just found this quote about travel that really speaks to our experience and even our first New
Year here that you might like as well:
“To my mind,
the greatest reward and luxury of travel
is to be able to experience everyday things
as if for the first time,
to be in a position in which almost nothing
is so familiar it is taken for granted”
Bill Bryson
Our first New Years Eve in Spain started with a bang...actually lots of them as they have been popping
away for days. We just joined the small, happy crowd as they headed past our door towards the main
square a short distance down the winding cobbled street. “Feliz Ano Nuevo” and smiles were on everyones lips, Mozart was jumping for joy and fireworks were filling the sky and exploding loudly. It was eleven thirty and we were carrying our bag of goodies like everyone else, champaign and grapes. We could not
help but be caught up in the excitement of this unique way to celebrate.
We are not really party types, so we spent a pretty quiet sunny day mostly at home. Plenty of tourists were around during the day with their T-shirts and shorts on, but most of the people who live here have warmer clothes on (perhaps because it is warmer outside than it is inside these houses or maybe because it is their winter, but most tourist are coming from cold winter climates). The daytime temps in the sun are usually around 75 to 80 F, but much cooler inside our house, so we usually open windows in the morning to let the warmth in or take off a layer when we go outside. The night was quite balmy too, but things do cool down quickly once the sun sets in its typical showy fashion. We can feel it in the house immediately when the sun sets, but also just cooking supper at that time warms up the entire main floor (that we have yet to use a heater in).
It is funny when the tourists sometimes peak into our open window that faces the street and then look
a little shocked and embarrassed when they realize we are just living life inside here, as I am sure they
are expecting an empty house. We need to keep it open for the light it brings into the house and enjoy observing life as it goes by, usually unseen by those outside. It is better entertainment sometimes than a TV. We get a show while we eat in the dining room or looking down from Mozart’s room or playroom, tho we do spend most of our time in the back area near the big window that faces the ocean and mountains.
We had fun playing with the walkie talkies that Mozart got for xmas as well as making lots of things out
of her Klutz clay creations which she just loves. (Thanks mom for sending more cool clay!) She has been enjoying her Boomerang audio child’s magazine as well as Jim Weiss’s story CD’s on Shakespeare, Egyptian Treasures and Greek Myths. Mozart has long had a passion for Greek Myths for some reason, so we have been rereading together a bunch and going into greater detail as we prepare the way for our trip to Greece this spring.
We all really enjoyed this nights dvd selection, Japanese filmmaker Miyazaki”s “Spirited Away” and were terribly comfortable when it was time to head out to the celebrations. Since DaVinci and I are introverts
we were VERY tempted to just stay in our cozy bed, but Mozart was already excited about all the banging noises and could not wait to join the party and see the excitement outside. I must admit I was a little nervous with all the banging going on (especially with a young child) and almost preferred to just watch
it from our window or terrace at most.
But we realized that this was a chance of a lifetime and thought we should not miss the experience.
As I saw other families and young children and babies go by our window and door, I felt more confident, assured and excited. Everyone was in a jovial mood and Mozart was excited to see lots of her friends who were already there. We did not spend all night dancing as some did, but are really glad that we went and had this experience. Mozart could have stayed all night dancing, singing and running with school friends,
but we were glad to get back into our cozy bed.
DaVinci fixed one of his great brunches that we ate out on the main terrace on New Years Day soaking in the sun and views. We talked about our goals for this year and had a pleasant, relaxing day. Mozart picked the dvd of the day, Zeffirelli’s “Jane Eyre” which we all REALLY enjoyed. Our idea of a good party is cuddling in bed, eating ice cream or organic popcorn and watching a good movie or reading good books. (Grin).
But there will be a few more holiday celebrations and parties in our near future. Today we go to a New Years party at our friends restaurant with tapas and champaign, the night of the 5th is the big three kings celebration and Mozart is going to a long planned play date and have her PJ party here that she has been busy planning for since we arrived.
Feliz Ano~Nuevo,
Bonne Annee,
Felice anno nuovo,
Prosit Neujahr,
Godt Nyttår,
Kenourios Chronos,
Scastny Novy Rok,
Sretna Nova godina,
Xin Nian Kuai Le,
Antum salimoun,
Heri Za Mwaka Mpyaº,
L'Shannah Tovah,
Naye Varsha Ki Shubhkamanyen,
Hauoli Makahiki Hou,
Happy New Year!!!!!!!
No matter how you say it, here’s to wishing everyone a wonderful New Year!
I just found this quote about travel that really speaks to our experience and even our first New
Year here that you might like as well:
“To my mind,
the greatest reward and luxury of travel
is to be able to experience everyday things
as if for the first time,
to be in a position in which almost nothing
is so familiar it is taken for granted”
Bill Bryson
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