

Rustic Spain

April 30, 2007


Finally, we have found the Spain that we imagined! We ran into delays when we picked up our camper, mainly because we enjoy our friends in Malaga and always find it hard to leave them and we were looking for a special thing to help with the mobile satellite concerns. The ride from Madrid to Malaga on the train was lovely as all of our train trips in Spain have been. Both Madrid and Malaga stations were very nice and we treated Mozart to a lunch at Burger King at the Malaga station as she was hungry like she always is and loves a fast food treat.

We needed to pick up some medicine that was ordered thru the doctor and an insurance card that we had been waiting for in the mail at our village, so we eventually got there, much later than planned. We stopped for groceries for the next week in the RV, on the way there at our favorite hypermarket. It was so late by the time we got there that we decided to just stay the night on a road there.

Our friends in Malaga cooked us home made lasagna and froze it, (because Mozart told her it was her favorite) so we had quite a great dinner our first night in the RV after Morocco. It felt good and familiar to be back in our little village again.

We were suppose to make it to Granada by our first night instead and Valencia the second night on our fast haul to Barcelona to rest, recover and get ready for Greece and Turkey and our ferry over to Italy. So we had to ad lib a new plan and decided to go all the way to Albacete the first night instead and try to make
it to Barcelona beach area (where there is a resort campsite) the next day.

That meant two long, eight hour days of driving which is not something we do often, on top of all the driving that we did in Morocco in Grand Taxis. Mozart continued to be a trooper and did lots of reading and sleeping and watched some dvd’s.

The good news about this drive was that is was incredibly beautiful countryside and we particularly enjoyed it from Granada to Valencia. It is non touristy rural farm land in an area called Castilla-La Mancha and we liked it so much that we hope to explore it more when we go over it again in the fall. My photos, just taken out the vehicle window as we whizzed by, do not do it justice, but at least gives a little idea. They were perfect vistas to view leisurely while we listened to our Spanish flamenco CD’s, hours of endless olive trees, then endless vines.














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