
Bye Bye Dubrovnik!

September 21, 2007


Suddenly it feels like fall and I love the off season and the cooler weather. I doubt if this cool front is going to stay but I am enjoying it while it is here. After continuous hot and sunny days since May, it is nice to have a little change and it invigorates us as we move on to other parts of Croatia.

We had a few “musts” that we wanted to do before leaving Dubrovnik. One was getting to the island Korcula, but we did not get that one in. Still, we will have more opportunities from the Dalmatia coast or Split, so have not given up that goal yet, just have shuffled it to another position. We did want to make sure we got video from the wall with Mozart playing her violin, as we did not bring the violin the first time around. We also wanted to make sure we experienced the famous Buza Cafe.

We did see the Buza Cafe from above, the very first time we walked the wall as you can see in the pictures of that entry. Buza means “hole in the wall” and there is a Buza Cafe One and a Buza Cafe Two. They are wonderful little cafes built right into the rock just outside the wall where one can even dive off and swim if you are in the mood, during the day or night.

Sometimes I am amazed at where these travels take this sufferer of vertigo, as it was perched on a not-easy-to-walk-on precarious cliff, but with views worth getting past the challenges. I suppose I have gotten quite use to facing these kind of challenges now and see that I have gotten a little braver from this travel. I don’t like to miss out on things and I don’t want my daughter to pick up my phobias (which I did not have when I was young either) or think her mom is a wuss.

We also promised to call family via webcam again before we left this spot, as we never know what the internet situation will be and we were lucky enough to have free wifi at Camp Solitudo. We had so much fun talking to family that we were late heading off to Dubrovnik’s Old Town, so missed that sunset. The time difference made it close, as we had to wait for them to wake up before calling.

We at least got to find the Buza Cafe which is no easy feat and had a chance to check it out at night. Mozart has been wanting to play at the playground just outside the gates, so she got that in too and a second chance at some yummy pizza at Olivo, a restaurant we happened upon on our first day.

Mozart wanted to spend at least one morning at the Kids Camp by herself with the sweet counselors that she had grown very fond of over the last month, so we let her do that and play with some kids there, while we finished packing up. Then we headed back to the Old Town to get that video and see the Buza Cafe during the day and experience the sunset there which is the ultimate treat. It is a special spot like no where else in the world and Mozart was the only kid there. We savored our wine, she savored her ice cream cone and blueberry juice and we all basked in the world class sunset location as sail boats passed by just feet away.

Earlier, Mozart collected an audience as she played her violin on top of the wall and one man even threw some coins in her case much to her delight. We had just forgotten to close it as we were rushing to get it done before sunset. The wall closes just before sunset, so we went there first before heading over to the Buza Cafe. There is a real rush of people heading up at that time which surprised us, as you can stay up once you are in and some are trying to see it very briefly before heading back to their cruise ships. We were just glad to capture this moment and special place.

After twenty five days here, we felt like we really got to know Dubrovnik a little and became quite fond of it and its many charms. We are ready to move on to more adventures, but we will always cherish the beauty, relaxation and joy that we experienced here!













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Can you recommened a Sobe to stay in Dunbrovnik? My boyfriend and I are heading to Croatia in August and are staying a few nights before we head to Hvar.
Thank you!


You will have a great time. I always list the places we stay at on our blog. I list one for Hvar and Korcula, but the rest are campgrounds. Many have cottages and the one in Dubrovnik is very nice, connected to a hotel etc, but also everything will be crowded in August. Have fun!

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