
Kotor Riviera

September 20, 2007


Kotor, Montenegro is twenty centuries old, a Unesco World Heritage Site and quite a fascinating place. The Kotor Riviera is the deepest fiord in the Mediterranean and many say the most beautiful. We truly enjoyed exploring this area and swimming in this heavenly spot which has an aura of another time.

One of the first things that you notice when arriving in Kotor is all the multi-million dollar yachts in the little harbor from Georgetown with British flags. Mozart spotted one that she wanted, which was a mere twenty five million, so she won’t get that for her birthday any time soon. It was fun to look at them and dream though, as the harbor is attached to the parking lot, so they can not be missed.

It is such an exquisite area, again the hard part will be trying to decide which pictures to use and again, they still can not capture the beauty. It is a huge area so that is part of the problem, as absorbing that in person is so different than just bits of it that can be captured on film. I tried to get some video of it from a more panoramic perspective, so perhaps I will try and get that up later.

The old city center of Kotor was built during the rule of the Roman emperors Diocletian and Justinian. The old part of the city is embanked by 4.5 km long walls over which the Sveti Ivan fortress dominates. So, the other thing that you quickly notice about Kotor, is the ancient walls and fort on the large mountain above it. One can not help but be amazed at how they ever built all of that so high on such a rugged, steep mountain.

We walked around the old town, spotted the hand made dolls dressed in native costumes, and had a delicious lunch at an Italian outdoor restaurant, right across from the famous St.Tripon Cathedral, that every local recommended. This part of the town was built in the Middle Ages between the 12th and 14th century and there are many Latin and Gothic churches, facades, palaces and museums. Mozart bought a tiny nativity scene and a few souvenirs and we walked around with an ice cream cone as we explored some more.

After satiating ourselves with Kotor, we were back in our car, ready to investigate more small villages and beaches. We found the perfect spot for Mozart to jump in, for me to glide in with railed stairs and for all of us to swim out into the bay and float around in the idyllic water. We had a blast! The day ended with the most marvelous sunset on our way home to Dubrovnik, that had us stopping more than a few times to try to capture it.













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It was interesting to read your experiences in Kotor. Did you know it was an important naval base of the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy as well?

Ed Kohler

I loved Kotor when visiting it with my wife 2 years ago. The hike up to the top of the trail above the city was challenging but worth it for the view.

travel montenegro

I was in Kotor and really liked.

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