Ahhh...Umbria!March 30, 2008 How many Californians have lived thirty nine years in Umbria? I doubt if there are very many, but I was lucky enough to meet a very
Where Is Pinocchio?March 28, 2008
It is a little funky, a little fifties, fun for a kid and full-out-Italian, so as a traveling family with a seven year old
Pisa & That Famous TowerMarch 13, 2007
Traveling kids like name brand sites because they hear and read so much about them, so for that reason alone, we had to put Pisa
Violin at Pont du GardMarch 12,2008
This is one of a series of videos we have shot of Mozart playing violin in key places around the world
Kid's View Of Florence!March 11, 2008
Florence can be a fascinating place for kids and it is a great city for walking around amongst great art.
More Fabulous FlorenceMarch 10, 2008
Oh, how can one describe the glories of Florence on a sunny day in late October when all the crowds are gone?
Piano Duet with DaddyMarch 8, 2007
Mozart and DaVinci last spring doing a piano duet together in San Jose, California when she was five.
Three Kings in AndalusiaMarch 4, 2007
Here is a little of the joyous Los Reyes Magos or Three King celebration in our tiny village in southern Spain.
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