
Mobile Mozart Art Gallery

July 10, 2008


Road schooling has some unique challenges, but for the most part we all really enjoy it. Mozart is forever self- initiating and making art projects, so one of the challenges is what do you do with all these prolific kiddie "masterpieces"?  This is a big enough challenge in a home, but becomes much more limited on the road with our total lack of significant storage space. Our main way of keeping them is through taking pictures of them because our space is so limited.


We do keep a few of the best ones and send them home with Mozart's ever growing souvenir pile ( even though we keep those to a minimum too and think small or light weight in all things). We have a folder for her art, so she can put them in there when she is done with them.

Of course, a child likes to have them on display, so we do that as well. It is a tiny space, but represented well with art! We only have a few little cabinets but they are just the right size to add some art on top and Mozart beams with pride to have them up and they make us smile too as they cheer up our RV dated decor.

Like most kids, she likes to sign all of our creations, so I have taken the liberty to use our Photoshop retouch tool to remove her name for privacy reasons, thus that is what the smudge part is.  She is an artist who will work on any surface & always amazes me on how quickly she works. Sometimes she works outside on her table, but she will also do art work in bed, at our inside table or on a bus, ground, museum or park bench.


She likes to incorporate nature into her art often, so we tease her and call her Andy Goldworthy who is famous for his work in nature. I love the pretty things she does in nature just by collecting things from the campsite or using mud, leaves and flowers. All of these are recent pictures.

The last picture below is one of her mixed pieces. She found an interesting piece of bark as we were walking and that sparked the idea. She tucked it away in the extra zip pocket in her violin case & she set to it as soon as we got "home" to our campsite. She used the bark, leaves, grass and twigs ( not sure if that is clear in the picture) and added some other pieces from her art box.

She has always had a very good since of humor and even as a baby enjoyed playful games and teasing. This shows up in her art too. She did the water color piece of the laundry that I had up to dry (as I often hand-wash a few things when I shower in the morning and then hang them up to dry). I asked her what the last part was on the right hand side and she looked at her dad with a sly grin on her face. They love to tease each other. She explained with a big chuckle, that they were daddy's stinky socks and the extra mark was the smell wafting in the air! The stories she comes up with about her art can be very entertaining.


We usually have a large art pad and color pencils with us when we tour and sometimes she sees something that she wants to quickly sketch. I have included a picture she did of a large fountain in Lisbon and the famous Belem Tower. The tower one  is really poor picture of Mozart and her eyes are closed, but it seems to be the only one we have of the tower which I thought was quite good for a quick scribble on the ground under a shady tree. We got some video of her drawing it and may get that up one of these days. Between all the art museums and time to do art projects, traveling has been wonderful for her art education!

I love her Picasso-like drawing that I used as the lead picture for this post. She did it in just a few moments time when we arrived at the campsite in Lisbon while her dad went into reception to register. Our RV was parked right across from a statue that she liked and wanted to draw, so she pulled out the stuff and went right to it. I've enclosed the picture I took of the statue after she did it as I was surprised she had such a good likeness in such a short time. Kids are so fearless and open, they make everything look so easy and fun!









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I love all of her artwork. She's quite good.


Hello :)
My family and I have been enjoying your journey for months now but I think that this is the first time i've posted a comment - but i had to because this was such a great blog entry. I really loved seeing Mozart's artistic endeavours & i loved hearing about her process. My boys are still younger than Mozart but I am inspired by you to start doing more art in nature and to start studying -in a playful way of course :) - the great artists. Thanks for taking us along on your grand adventures!


Kerry-Thanks a lot! I can not even imagine how one handles all the art with more than one child, but I am sure you have thought of clever ways! ;)

Hello Amber! So nice to "meet" you & I am very happy to hear that you liked this post. I was actually a little hesitant to post it as I was not sure if any one would be interested. It is great for us to have a reference point & of course the Grandparents like to see these things. ;)

We are in nature so much ( more than one is in a house) that combining it with art seems quite natural.

I have some great books about teaching art to kids that I will list soon if I do not have them up yet.

Thanks for coming along on our adventures with us!! I always love hearing that it is helpful to families!!


What a wonderful young artist! I was like that, too--I always had my watercolor pencils with me, and loved to draw the things I saw.

Best wishes to Mozart for wonderful times with her art, and to all of you in your adventure!


Thanks mousewords! I appreciate your compliments for soultravelers3 on twitter too! It is really fun as a parent to watch our child's creativity grow and go through many phases.

Cool to hear that you use to do that as you traveled too!


Miss Mozart, you are quite the artist! I loved all the little details...your flamingos even have knobby knees!

Taking snapshots of her pieces is a great space-saving idea as well.


Thanks so much Renee! I am sure Mozart will beam with pleasure that you noticed her details and the flamingo's knobby knees! ;)

I got a kick out of how good she has gotten at castles since we started traveling since she sees so many. ;)

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