More Youtube Videos Up
July 30, 2008
We thought we would share some exciting new videos that we are proud to finally have up on Youtube! We really enjoy the process of making them, ( which is primarily done by DaVinci so far, although I tend to find the music and we all decide on final take) but it is time consuming, especially on the move. We have tons of great video footage and keep taking more, so they will keep coming as we find time to fit them in.
We will eventually get them all in their proper place on our website, but thought we would put a few of them up here on the blog to make them easy to access. You can go to our channel on Youtube if you want to see all ten of the new ones ( or all 22 total thus far) , but here are a few of our favorites.
We are having a hard time finding decent internet connection for uploading, so we will keep writing posts and uploading them in batches when we can. Don't forget to look in the archives in case we have uploaded more than what shows on the first few thumbnails if you see lots of new ones. You can also just click on our Twitter link as I try to put a current picture link or update as I can because it is often easier to get into Twitter to do something fast even if the internet cafe is expensive or not up to par. You do not have to join Twitter to see what we are up to and you can click on the links to see the pictures which will give you a small taste of what is to come!
We thought we would share some exciting new videos that we are proud to finally have up on Youtube! We really enjoy the process of making them, ( which is primarily done by DaVinci so far, although I tend to find the music and we all decide on final take) but it is time consuming, especially on the move. We have tons of great video footage and keep taking more, so they will keep coming as we find time to fit them in.
We will eventually get them all in their proper place on our website, but thought we would put a few of them up here on the blog to make them easy to access. You can go to our channel on Youtube if you want to see all ten of the new ones ( or all 22 total thus far) , but here are a few of our favorites.
We are having a hard time finding decent internet connection for uploading, so we will keep writing posts and uploading them in batches when we can. Don't forget to look in the archives in case we have uploaded more than what shows on the first few thumbnails if you see lots of new ones. You can also just click on our Twitter link as I try to put a current picture link or update as I can because it is often easier to get into Twitter to do something fast even if the internet cafe is expensive or not up to par. You do not have to join Twitter to see what we are up to and you can click on the links to see the pictures which will give you a small taste of what is to come!
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I love the "Where in Heaven is Mozart?" video. You have such a rich, beautiful life!
Posted by: Elizabeth | July 08, 2008 at 07:47 PM
Fantastic! Glad you mentioned you have a YouTube channel. I never thought to look there for more of your videos :)
Posted by: HappyCampers | July 13, 2008 at 06:25 PM
Aw thanks Elizabeth! Very sweet.
HappyCampers-Thanks for the feedback! Some people find our blog through Youtube, but like you many others do not realize we are there. Cyberspace is funny like that. ;)
Posted by: Soultravelers3 | July 14, 2008 at 02:51 AM
I finally finished Cohen's book (thanks Happy Campers!) I really really enjoyed it, although there are so many things I would have done differently. I also can't believe they took a nanny!
I was particularly stunned by the price tag of their year long journey - 150K back in 1996!!!! Doesn't really make this kind of journey seem very accessible to the average person. I'm glad you've posted entries about the alternatives and how afforable extended travel can be. Again, thanks for your daily inspiration!
Posted by: Chandra | July 15, 2008 at 08:31 AM
Thanks Chandra! I really do want people to know that it really is affordable and accessible for the average family.
I was discouraged too when I was doing research on costs before we left, but the book Vagabonding and the Terhorst's website encouraged me.
In some ways we are very frugal, but we are also quite extravagant in lots of ways and the dollar decline has not been helpful. Still, we are almost complete with our second year and keeping in the 25,000 dollars a year budget for our family of three again....despite very high gas prices this year & more driving.
We are eating lots of beans and quite diligent about bringing picnics when we tour...both to cut costs & also to make healthier choices.
I am surprised the Cohen's spent that much since they stayed in Australia for 6 months in one place( if I recall correctly). Did they do private school? Paying a nanny also added another person to their budget. They also really goofed by selling their home in a fast rising market & I am not sure what they were thinking there, since they planned to return.
"Taking your Kid's to Europe" has a neat chart that shows the longer you stay the more costs go down.
Hope your plans for a long stay this winter are coming along nicely!
Posted by: Soultravelers3 | July 15, 2008 at 11:26 PM
I just wanted to say how much you guys inspire me to get back on the road again. Both my husband and I have big plans to pack up our house in two years time and travel indefinitely around Australia.
The biggest issue for me right now is internet, but with the arrival and expansion of the next G network this will only get better in the next year or so. Plus more affordable too.
I pretty need the Internet everywhere I go so this could proof some challenges, but hey, that's half the fun, wouldn't you agree too. :-)
Your sit and blog is very inspiring and I'm planning on doping the same when I eventually go. Even bought a cool domain name too. LOL
Stay safe and I'll be back
Posted by: Monika Mundell | July 25, 2008 at 10:13 PM
Thanks Monika! Finding internet on the move can be a challenge even in Europe and I hear it is the tuff today in Oz ( which surprised me).
Things are always changing and in 2 years, things will change a lot. We just met a guy from South Africa who is traveling and working online, so it is possible even today.
They even have mini satellites which keep getting cheaper ( but above our budget) that a friend used to get internet access everywhere.
Go for it!! If there is a will, there is always a way!!
Posted by: Soultravelers3 | July 31, 2008 at 11:27 AM