
OMG!! Best Travel Blog!

December 02, 2008


I am stunned! Out of a small, select list of tip top, corporate and multi-authored travel websites, who are all leaders in the travel industry from the New York Times to National Geographic....there we were: Soultravelers3! 

And "what category were you nominated for" you ask?  BEST TRAVEL BLOG!!

You really must run over and vote for us and tell your friends. We probably do not have a chance in the world, but again, I hope not to come in last place. Who knows? If I did not believe in miracles I could not be on this open ended world tour!

It is really easy to do, you don't have to register, just click on the vote button and see instant results.

It is on this website, Travel-rants which is also an award winning, highly popular website based in the UK! Just go there, click and vote! Simple. He has cool graphics that let you see how it is going.Voting ends on Sunday night UK time and the winners will be announced on Monday.

He has been reading our blog for the last twelve months and feels like it was one of the most useful out there for travelers, so nominated us for one the Travel Rants Consumer Awards! Don't you just love it?

There are some amazing sites nominated like Lonely Planet, The Guardian, Timesonline, Travelmail plus more like Matador, Travellerspoint, Kayak, Uptake, Bootnall and Mr & Mrs Smith ! Wow! These are all heavy hitters in the Travel Industry.

My direct competition are also wonderful blogs like TravelingMamas, written by four charming women,
Europe a la carte written by fellow Brit Karen Bryon and a  staff of writers and Tripso written by a staff of wise  professional travel writers.

So here is little ol' me, just an ordinary mom, trying to write, travel, homeschool and volunteer by taking tons of school kids with us virtually through the nonprofit Reach The World...and I am with the big guns! Wow! I am lucky if I can find wifi half the time and often times have to write my post while we roam. Simply astounding.

I guess you can see why this made my day, can't you? Please vote!

Oh, and that picture is of our Mozart on one of the most thrilling trains in Europe on our Norway in a Nutshell self led jaunt out to fjords. (More on that story coming up!) I just thought it kind of fit the way we are all feeling today. Thanks Travelrants for making our day!! Now it is in your hands, readers. Thanks in advance!

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Diana Scimone

Congrats, you 3! Way to go!

Diana Scimone


Congratulations! You deserve it! I'm looking forward to reading more now that you are in one spot for the winter.


TOO COOL! You absolutely deserve it. I'll vote right now.

CanCan (Mom Most Traveled)

I voted! You are in the lead! Woohoo!


Congrats! So excited for you guys

Nine Tomatoes

I've been following you in Twitter for a while and love your story! Voted for you!! Happy travels...


You more than earned your spot on that list! Your blog is one of our favorites :)


Aw, gee thanks everyone for the kind words and votes! I really appreciate it.

I was in shock when we spent a good part of the day in first place....could not believe it, but now we have fallen back.

We really have the best people following us, that is who should get the award! Thanks...glad to discover some new cool blogs via the comments too!

Lil' Boozie

Congratulations, that's so exciting! It definitely gives me a goal to reach for - you can count on my vote!

Suz (a.k.a. Lil' Boozie)


Congratulations, we have been following you from the beginning and your story is truly inspiring. We were on our 5 month rtwtrip from march to august this year with our 3 and 6 yo. It has been amazing. We keep on traveling through your travelstories. If you were to visit Brussels you are very welcome here.

Best wishes


Annette Piper

Congratulations on your nomination! And I've voted for you too :)

Looking forward to your coming adventures downunder!


You know I'm just thrilled for you.
And that's a great photo too - but nothing less than I would expect from you :)

Dominique King

And here you were so worried over on the Nerd's Eye Forum about learning how to do things!

Looks like you're tied for first at this moment :)

Stop Smoking

Very well done. Congrats!


Thanks for commenting on my blog. Here is the site about Belgium. I took your photo off. Actually, due to some technical difficulty, I took all the pics off. Anyhow, I think it is so cool what you are doing!! I bet you are having a blast! I will keep reading.


This was nice post. Very informative, Thanks for sharing...


Nice post.. Keep it up..

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