
Family Travel Photo-Italy

July 27, 2009

Portofino, Italy, Italian Riviera, soultravelers3, beautiful

Ah, Portofino! It has been over 25 years since my last visit to this idyllic spot and it looked exactly the same to me. Still one of the prettiest places on the planet, fun for family travel and very empty and peaceful this past Friday. There was a bus strike, so perhaps that is the reason, although the entire Italian Riviera seems much less crowded than I ever expected for late July. We are having a ball and finding it hard to leave.

We are always thrilled when we get a decent family travel photo of the three of us all looking okay and the background doing justice to the area. For some reason, this is harder than it seems for us. Are we the only family that runs into this? At 8, Mozart still hasn't learned to smile on cue, so that sometimes makes a picture not so good. I'm not my model size any more, so some get cut just because I don't like how I look in them.( Actually, I never like the photos of me, but I have to use some.)  Sometimes we get unlucky on who we choose to take it.

We do have some great ones of the three of us, but we don't have a great one of the three of us in all of the great places where we have been. Sometimes we just forget to ask someone to take a threesome!  I am pleased that we got lots of great photos in Portofino ( more to come later) including this one!

While we lounged on the gorgeous Italian Riviera, we had some great news this week. How lucky can we get, eh? We were thrilled to find out this week  (via Twitter)  that we got such a high rating out of the top 150 Travel Blogs. I don't even know how to do SEO or  work Technorati, so it is shocking to see that we are listed as 18th out of all Travel Blogs! These things always amaze me.

 We are honored to have been chosen to be part of Uptake's Travel Insights 100  amongst some really amazing travel experts. WhereIvebeen did a great post about us on their blog which was another surprise. We were also listed as one of the top 10 Family Travel Blogs by TripBase which was very exciting! We even got a nice mention in two friends blogs, My Melange and Parkrideflyusa.

Plus we got to participate in the very first Travel Bloggers Conference ( Tbex) that took place in Chicago yesterday, while we were in Italy. I thought it was funny that it turned out that I was outside in a cool evening breeze and shade while they happened to be in a very hot room in Chicago. A big thanks goes to the organizers Kim Mance and Debbie Dubrow who did a fantastic job and all the generous sponsors. There were lots of great speakers and you can check out more about it here.

We loved it here in our Italian coastal nook so much, that we stayed longer than planned, thus we have decided to add Lake Como and Switzerland on our way back. I am afraid it is going to get too crowded now, so just two quick stops until we leave Italy and do some serious travel eastward! Off to discover more about Stradivarius and see an opera in this awesome ancient arena!

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Great post! PS: I added you to the TBEX '09 mr. linky...


what fun! love the photo...

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