
Family Travel Photo-England

July 28, 2009

food market, fresh fruit, berries, England, baskets, store, Cotswolds

Doesn't that look delicious? It says summer to me and let me tell you those fresh blueberries were delicious! Family travel often means grabbing some scrumptious fruit for a picnic or even a nibble as one roams with a kidlet in tow.

We love the markets we come upon around the world, especially the charming ones. We just stumbled upon this one while wandering around the beautiful, upscale countryside in England. Everything was displayed in a lovely manner and soon Mozart was busy munching away as she loves berries. We did also find some raspberries to pick that were fresh off the vine, but these we took the short cut way.

We eat a lot of fruit and vegetables so appreciate them as it is a bit of a delicate art, keeping the right amount around in hot weather while in an RV with a tiny fridge. The Brits call candy, "sweeties", so I always tell Mozart that the "sweeties" made from God is fruit.

What is your favorite summer fruit?

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It's a toss up! I adore berries, but also good peaches and nectarines, and fresh figs, and mangoes. Oh I can't decide!


Fruit stands are the best rest stop on a road trip...handfuls of blackberries are always my favorite (even if your hands end up pink!).


I met some of my favourite fruits while living in Hawaii, where everything tropical and exotic grew within a few miles of where I lived. Things like rolinea, soursop, mangosteens, rambutans, and liliqoi (aka passion fruit) round out my favs.
Here are some pictures and descriptions:

Hawaii travel

I am always a fan of seeing fresh fruits and vegetables. Growing up on a tropical island, Hawaii, and visiting other regions in the world gives me such a sense of appreciation.

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