
Colors of Italy

August 18, 2009


  I love the colors of the Mediterranean in summer and none are more beautiful than Italy! Everywhere you look from the buildings to the umbrellas and fruit, the bright colors of Italy can't help but make one smile.


 I found myself humming joyful Italian songs that I could not name that some how stole into my consciousness through movies, operas, maybe even cartoons. Always robust, happy songs that reflect the earthy beauty that shines in so many little ways all over Italy in unsuspected, everyday places.


Just as pizza has traveled the world, it seems everyone has a little Italian in them. France, Spain and Italy are the most popular destinations in Europe for Americans and deservedly so. This is our fourth stop in Italy on our world tour and we will add at least one more on our way back to Spain this fall.


 I never tire of it and feel a bond with this country because I once lived here long ago. It is hard to believe now, but I lived in Milano as a young girl to model ( for Ford Models) and a part of my heart has never left Italy. It always feels like I am coming home to Italy.


It is one of my many "homes" around the world, as Spain has also become, because of this trip. I am grateful that Mozart also gets to have much of Europe as "homes" for her forever. She has spent enough time here in the last three years that they are a part of her.


She is an American girl who is also part European, part Moroccan and part Turkish. Slow travel does not allow one to be a true foreigner or tourist, but become one with the places visited in many ways, allowing time and people to melt the differences away.


We will not forget the many colors of Italy, especially in summer, which suits it so well. Here are a few random photos from our latest forays into the Italian Riviera and our return to one of it's prettiest small cities, Verona. 


It is not always the big things, sometimes, it is the avalanche of little things that has an impact that binds one to a place. The sound of Italian, the food, the creativity, the way life is lived as art. The beauty of Italy, in all the millions of little ways, makes my heart sing!








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Your travel blog is lovely, I am glad I found you.

Italy is among our favorite countries to visit, and after coming back again and again our 13 years old daughter also loves it.


I haven't been there and really would love to visit Italy. We Ecuadorians need a visa for Italy (as for most countries), and I've heard it's not easy to get, so maybe it'll have to wait.

Back in 1999 when I visited Europe we weren't required a visa but I prefered to stay in Germany and France. Now I kind of regret not having gone there.

Love the colors of your pics.

Jet Set Life

What a thrilling place to visit indeed! With all those astounding colors surrounding you. I have to pass this on to my readers. I'm sure they'd be thrilled to see this too.


I remember the breathtaking colors of Florence & Venice, even thru the rain/fog we encountered. You captured the vividness so beautifully, thank you!


my email address tells it all!!! I love your pictures .. thanks so much for sharing. I collect pictures of Italian homes.
The colors of italy are in my soul!!!

Genova Hotels

Some beautiful images. The one with the rock is in Monterosso - Cinque Terre. If you do happen i reccomend you checked out Nervi too. It's not as touristy but has a really wonderfull seaside promenade. I must of walked up and down it thousands of times ...


Fantastic post, lovely picture. Really informative. Have you tried things like photography holidays, painting holidays and cooking holidays? Do you know these guys?

JL Zoeckler

so gorgeous. I'm picturing my wife and I sipping an espresso on a street side cafe. The more I picture it, the more likely it is that we will be there soon :)


Italy is an amazing country, with white snow capped mountains to the pristine beaches. Italy has everything.
The colors are typical of the people they represent.

Doreen Pendgracs

Gorgeous pics! Makes me want to go back to Italy!

Gianni Hill

What lovely pics you did! I really like Italy and hope to go there next year for my honeymoon vacation.

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