
Family Travel Photo - Spain

November 18, 2009

thermal hot springs near costa blanca spain 

Do you love thermal healing water to soak in? Our world traveling family has been into them since long before our child was born, taking regular trips to our beloved Esalen in Big Sur as well as Harper Hot Springs north of San Francisco. Mozart started swimming in our Jacuzzi at four days old, so she took to it all like the proverbial duck to water. When ever we can, we enjoy finding good soaks on our world travels!

After an eight hour drive from Barcelona south to the Costa Blanca, we headed inland a bit, to a very special gem that few people know about outside of this region. Yet it has been a thermal water oasis of healing since Roman times.

We stayed at a unique campground called La Fuente that has a private shower and bathroom house for each motor home plus every amenity. We see lots from Germany, Finland, Great Britain and Spain, etc, but as usual, we are the only Americans. The wifi is not great here, but they have it and it's a wonderfully charming place that also has cottages, small hotel, restaurants and massages. Perfect relaxation and rejuvenation in the middle of no where!

It is mostly retirees in the winter high season week days, but Mozart lucked out finding a cute little English girl named Emily who has lived in Spain nearby for the last four years. They were the same age, had the same colored hair and same colored eyes, both have a cousin named Debbie and an aunt named Julie, so they decided that they must be twins! What also seemed quite coincidental is that she  had been here when we came in June, even though she also rarely comes, thus this was their second swim date!

They had a ball and DaVinci and I really enjoyed trying out all the contraptions that bubble you to smitherines, spurt pulsating water on acupuncture points and waterfall drip you to heaven. This is just what the doctor ordered for my injured arm that is recovering very slowly due to the nerve damage.

Long ago when I did a 6 month camping trip from Boston to San Francisco, we met some locals that showed us (via horse) some natural hot springs near Big Bend National Park & after wards we swam in the cold Rio Grande. That was so much fun that I think that's when I got hooked. Have you found any good soaking spots on your travels?

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Spain is probably my favorite place to travel to. Exotic, adventurous, fun and full of flavor! Thanks for the nice writeup!


I haven't been to any hot water spa yet on any travels, but I'm sure up for it!

I've just got caught up on reading your blog, and I was so sorry to hear about your hospital stay. I'm glad to see you are feeling better and will soon be in your winter home.

We went to Grand Cayman Island for two weeks this summer. We stayed in an apartment right on the beach. It was so much cheaper than any hotel we could have stayed in, the home was huge, and we basicallly had our own private beach. The kids could freely play on the beach.

We are planning a Eurpoean vacation and hope to take three weeks. You have so inspired me with slow travel that we will stay at least one week in each spot before moving on and will rent a home or apartment. Now we just need to decide which country would be best to visit with two five year olds (at the time). I wish it could be longer.

We love visiting local places, cooking our own food, and having time to just be. In fact, I wrote about your saying that slow travel is all about doing ordinary things in extraordinary places in one of my latest posts on my blog.

Take care. I can't wait to read another post!

Cynthia in the French Alps

I love Spain but havent been there in 30 years. I'm sure it's changed alot. Did you enjoy your travels there? I think you have a lot of energy and courage to do what you're doing and providing a life time of memories for your daughter. Congrats. Cynthia in the French Alps


Hi, just came across your blog, its wonderful. My GF and I just got back from a trip to BArcelona, with excursions to Catlunya and the Basque, with a quick dip in France. Your blog reminds me how much i loved SPain.
Anyway, speaking of thermal pools and hot springs, have you ever been to Japan? I think it cabe be said that they are THE country for hot-spring-ing. They have a whole culture built around it, with entire magazines devoted to hot-spring trekking throughout Japan. Try it sometime! and beware the bathing apes!

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