
Family Travel Photo - Spain

March 02, 2010

Sunset Spain, tree, family travel & reminders from Tim Ferriss, Rolf Potts, 4hww

Family travel must include relaxation and enjoying the awesome gifts of nature that surround us like this beautiful sunset just out our door in Andalusia, Spain. We've experienced some of the most beautiful sunsets in the world here on a regular basis. I love the sounds of birds chirping  like a symphony providing the perfect back drop music as the colors explode and shift. 

I had intended to get my book review of Tim Ferriss's amazing new expanded edition of The 4-Hour Workweek in which we are featured Case Studies up today. I am a raving fan of 4HWW & it's been at the top of my list since I received my complementary review copy that my mom forwarded to me. Hopefully, I can get it up next week.

My recovery from my injury last August is much slower than I'd like it to be, so I remain a one left handed bandit which slows everything down. I'm making very good progress and am no longer in pain, thankfully, but still haven't caught up with all that I missed that backed up when I was totally out of commission.

To add to that I am now dealing with a serious case of Candida in my intestines, lungs and skin from all the IV antibiotics they gave me when I had surgery & DaVinci has a serious dental issue that we've been dealing with visiting 4 dentists here and several alternative doctors that we work with online. All will be fine & I've already learned a tremendous amount, but it's also more time consuming stuff to add to our plate.

Recently I talked to Rolf Potts via email & even though I've long been a huge fan of his book, Vagabonding, I loved his recent guest post on 4HWW, because it was such a great reminder on what is important. 

1) Time = Wealth

2) Be Where You Are

3) Slow Down

4) Keep it Simple

We live these principals and have for years, but some times in Spain in my efforts to "catch up" I find myself working too hard. My birthday arrives this month & it's clearer than ever that I want and need to do less. We have so much to share, but not always the time to do it properly, I'm not Chris Brogan who can write 4 blog post in a morning while being a social media king, nor do we have a staff helping us, so I must accept the pace that I can do. 

I actually miss unplugging lots like when we are on the move and I need to do that more while in Spain. Thanks Tim & Rolf for the reminders and for my recent health challenges in teaching me greater acceptance on what can realistically get done in a day, week or month when one is traveling in the slow lane. Always useful to keep relearning this lesson of balance in a passionate, creative life.

"There is nothing the busy man is less busied with than living; there is nothing harder to learn" Seneca

How do you handle these types of challenges and what are your keys?

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Lifecruiser Travel Blog

Really, I thought you were the social media queen! *giggles*

One day when I have the time I must read up on this Ferris-guy, that's for sure. Sounds very interesting.

Oh, that is such a gorgeous sunset photo! It brings back memories of our own experienced sunsets in Andalusia... One day we will go back, that's for sure!

Ah, those pesky diseases! Go away! We've a bit of a tough time here too, having a stomach bug both of us and hubby's just refuse to leave him... 15 days now for him, the poor man! Argh...

About that Candida, I've heard that other persons that got Candida has got much, much better by skipping all sugar in the food AND eating a LowCarb diet, have you tried that? The sugar & carb seems to feed the Candida.

I hope you get better FAST!

Nomadic Chick

Oh my - rest up and get well! Sometimes the body needs to hibernate. I love Spain, yet I've never been. Thanks for the lovely photo!


I'm so sorry to hear about your bout of candida. I have had it on and off for over a year now, and I too got it from antibiotics.

If you have any questions from a fellow candida sufferer, just drop me a line.

Good luck!


I'm so sorry to hear about your bout of candida. I have had it on and off for over a year now, and I too got it from antibiotics.

If you have any questions from a fellow candida sufferer, just drop me a line.

Good luck!

Sarah Jones

I like it.The Photo is very nice.
Sarah Jones
Easy Travelling

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