
Funniest Kids! Soultravelers3 Family Travel

March 23, 2010

 funniest kids, youtube, soultravelers3 global citizen, family travel, sweden

Family travel can be a route to world peace, giving children opportunities to truly become global citizens and we're grateful that soultravelers3 can help educate kids about customs and cultures from  around the world in a fun way. We know that this will have lasting value for our child, but hope that by sharing our story we can share the value of global citizenship (whether one can travel or not)  which enriches all our lives and can lead to better cooperation and understanding for generations to come.

Crayfish party sweden, 2 kids in hats, family travel

One American girl plus one Swedish boy, add a full sized trumpet, a small violin, a warm fire, and lots of joy for an unforgettable, spontaneous concert to remember always. This hilarious Youtube video that we took while visiting Sweden demonstrates the joy and laughter that two children from two countries who do not even share a language can have together through the bridge of music, humor and love. In 30 seconds, I think it tells the story of the importance and thrill of connecting through family travel and how these kinds of memories leave lasting impressions. Mozart will forever have two wonderful Swedish brothers!

It truly is such a small world after all and the internet makes it smaller each day. I met this beautiful Swedish family by chance over the internet and formed a deep friendship only online for many years before the children were born and before we decided to take our world tour. Our time with them was one of the highlights of our global journey as they shared their boundless love, beautiful Swedish countryside home, and many joyous Scandinavian customs and traditions with us from Crayfish parties to Kota huts.

Beautiful cottage and flower sweden

So many amazing stories and photos yet to tell about our blissful, idyllic Swedish summer soiree! This is just a taste!! Tell me about your special family travel memories with your kids or from your own childhood and how it still enriches you today. 

girl feeding chickens on farm in sweden, family travel














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Hotel Bedding

Just found your blog - love it!!!


A lovely post. It is amazing how little cultural differences matter to children, isn't it?

My son and I are travelling the world right now. And he made friends with children on a tiny island in the Mekong, where he was the first Western child they'd ever seen.

I wrote about it here:

I hope you're right about world peace. I certainly want Z to be a citizen of the world. Not England, or Australia, or Europe, but the world as a whole.


Lovely tale Jeanne.
You ask about a favorite family travel memory. Oh, there are so many, but one I cherish deeply is a travel along the Norwegian coast with Marta and her friend three years ago. The link is from the night we caught crabs:

Nancy in VA

My family traveled a lot around the US but my first big trip overseas when I was in 5th grade started me on my interest in all things international. A RTW trip just isn't in the cards yet, but this summer, I'm taking our 5th and 2nd graders to Guatemala for a month. DH will join us for the last two weeks. The kids have been overseas before but this is the trip they will really remember. I'm sure it will jump start them on their lifelong journey of global awareness.

House Mother

We are currently living in rural Ireland, but we live and work alongside people from all over the world, including other families with children. When a new family arrived in January from Israel, we had the same experience watching our children play and laugh and get to know one another without having ANY language in common. It's a wonderful thing to see.


Hotel- glad to hear that! Welcome!

MummyT Thanks! I find that children absolutely absorb culture just as they do with language when deeply immersed. It just becomes one with them and perfectly normal whether playing in an oasis in the Sahara in Morocco, fiddling in Sweden, learning flamenco in Spain, or playing in Turkey or Mekong!!

If a child travels the world and has many homes around the world, how can they be anything else but a global citizen with deep clues about creating peace no matter where you are?

Britt, that is sweet and looks like a lot of fun! One of our joys in Sweden was the crayfish party that you see in one of the pictures. We all made them together so learned the whole tradition from start to end! ;)

Nancy-Thanks for sharing! Sounds like you are off to a wonderful adventure that will change and expand all of your lives! If there is a will there is always a way!

House Mother - Yes, it truly is wonderful to observe in person. I think one can find MANY opportunities like this locally and we did similar things before we left, starting in babyhood as we always wanted to expose our child to other cultures.So many miss these global expanding opportunities that about just about any where today if one looks.


My parents took me to Europe for a year when I was 15 and it was completely life-changing! I love your blog, and more importantly, your view of life and your chose lifestyle. Your daughter's life will be so blessed through this experience.


Ha! You might want to read this post I wrote for last Easter-

In short, it's all about visiting my family in Hungary and in particular returning to memories from my childhood forming a "kis banda," little gang, with my cousins and siblings. Always so fun to go visit and relive those memories! And we still explore together, my youngest cousin traveled around Thailand with me earlier in that trip. :)


Kim-That is wonderful to hear that your family year of travel was life changing! Thanks so much for your kind words, we are certainly tremendously grateful that we have this opportunity and can share it as a family.

Recently, in her 4th grade class here in Spain, she was the only one who knew what a gondola was or had ever been to Italy. Things like that remind us everyday, about how much she has been enriched by our experiences in so many ways.Despite it feeling like a very normal life to her.

Sounds like you are already passing the travel bug onto your children too!

Yvette- Thanks, that looked fun! We loved Hungary, but it was so cold & rainy by the time we got there that we have to return.

The family we stayed with in Denver ( see that B&B post) were from Hungary and had great stories from visiting relatives there.

Our daughter knows so many friends around Europe that I can imagine she will have lots of fun retracing these steps some day.

We loved our 3 generations tour with family when they visited, so I can imagine the fun you had traveling with a cousin too!

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