

Family Travel Santa Cruz, California

October 25, 2010

family travel homeaway rental beach house santa cruz california

Family travel is sometimes enjoying time at a stunning beach and just hanging out with extrended family and old friends. This is best done in a short term rental home and nobody does it better than HomeAway.

Here you see our just-turned-10 tween excitedly  entering the beautiful beach home in Santa Cruz, California thanks to our generous sponsor HomeAway. I will be telling you much more about this fabulous four bedroom beach home that you can find on HomeAway's website under Santa Cruz, but wanted to give you a peek now.

We have not used sponsors much in the past, but as our blog has grown we have connected with  some great partners and hosts that we will be working with which should be a win/win for all. As we circle the globe this year, we will be exploring many ways to travel from couch surfing to top hotels, from short term rentals to long term rentals, from camping Europe  to the height of luxury. This way we can share our variety of experiences with our diverse readership and let you know the inside scoop as we review each place we are hosted. 

We loved this home in a picture perfect, quiet beach neighborhood near family. My step father has been dealing with stage IV cancer for the last 3 1/2 years, so being nearby family sometimes calls for an option like this that allows one to have intergenerational travel connection to two sides of family, vacation, kids fun and support while taking everyone's needs in mind.

Have you ever used a rental home for a vacation?


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I have received some couch surfers and will be couchsurfing with my 3 year old in Costa Rica in January. It´s great. So far I met some amazing people. We might stay with a family of home schoolers in San Jose, bu we are to plan more.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

That sounds wonderful Marilia! We've really loved our couch surfing experiences too! It's a great way to connect with locals...and even families can do it!

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