
Family Travel: Year of the Rabbit in Asia Photos

February 11, 2011

family travel year of the rabbit in aisa photo

Chinese New Year in Asia is a lot of fun and in this Year of the Rabbit, we see rabbits every where! I did not know it was the Year of the Rabbit so I was confused at first and thought perhaps they were celebrating Easter very early in Asia. Ha! As soon as Christmas in Asia was finished, we started seeing rabbits every where we looked to celebrate Chinese New Year in Asia.

mulit generational travel in Asia for Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year in Asia is a time of family reunion so it's very exciting that we are doing multi-generational family travel at this time. My mother is visiting and traveling with us for six weeks and it happens that she was also born in the year of the rabbit in 1928! It's been especially healing because we have lost two fathers/grandfathers in the last six months.

year of the rabbit in asia

rabbits every where

This is the  Year of the Rabbit ( or Hare)  according to the Chinese Zodiac calendar and it is celebrated from Bejing to New York City Chinatown, but we find it a much bigger celebration in Chinese dominanted Penang than we ever experienced in the USA. The whole country of Malaysia takes at least a week off from work or school.  It's the Chinese Spring Festival and part of the Lunar New Year celebrations.(a.k.a. Spring Festival or chun jie  春莭).

year of rabbit calligraphy

year of the rabbit for kids

year of rabbit food

The Year of the Rabbit is sandwhiched between more turbulant Tiger and Dragon years, so it is said to be a year to heal, recover, clean, live simply, economically and in a  minimalist way. Sounds perfect for our family travel globetrotting lifestyle!

family vacation in asia with Grandma

About 230 million people take part in the world's biggest human migration and we are happy to be in the middle of it here in Penang. It's a long holiday  in Asia so we are still celebrating the Year of the Rabbit here and our 10 year old has more than a week off from her Mandarin school. We're off to participate in a Dragon Dance today.

What are your plans this weekend? Will you be celebrating the Year of the Rabbit or Valentine's Day weekend?










Deliciousbaby photo Friday post

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great article, thanks


Nice photos! I was also in Penang for the new year as the start of my se Asia trip, what a culturally rich place and perfect time to be there!


Cool Kelly! Enjoy your trip!


Glad you liked it Joe!

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