
Earth Day Song, Solo and 1st Place!

April 22, 2011


Happy Earth Day! Do you want to hear a kid's view about saving the planet? Or children singing a beautiful song about a clean earth, compassion and love ( in Mandarin and English) ? Do you care about green,sustainable living? Mozart's very first solo? You've come to the right place.

As some of you know, we have been wintering in tropical Asia so that our 10 year old trilingual child can immerse in her Mandarin. She is the youngest, smallest and only Caucasian at her Asian Mandarin high school. While we have been preparing for our upcoming travel to Singapore, Bangkok, Bhutan and Jordan starting on May 1st, on our way to Europe for the summer,  she has been busy working hard and volunteering at her school.

We wrote about her recently winning first place trophy at her Mandarin high school elocution contest, and promised to upload a video of it. Saving the earth has become one of Mozart's passions of late and even though the contest speech could be about anything, she chose to talk about saving the planet and working together. She wrote the speech herself and gave it to an audience of over 1000 people. We're very proud of her and thought you'd enjoy the speech too on this Earth Day!

Mozart loves the big choir at her Madarin high school and all her friends there. They just had a huge celebration for Earth Day at her school this past Sunday with all the students, parents and local dignitaries and Chinese VIP's. Our daughter was very honored to be asked to sing a solo for this occasion, acapella no less, to this large audience to lead the choir in an English and Mandarin song, A Clean Planet, for their performance. She has never had any training in singing, so I thought she was very brave and again we were gushingly proud parents. Hope you enjoy it too!

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Thank you for sharing! Mozart was amazing with the speech and she also has a beautiful singing voice!

Margaret Sch

I agree with Christine that she is a talented singer!!! Obviously inherently musical! Plus brave, and lovely from the inside out!


Mozart is Amazing! What a shining soul & natural speaker. And, of cocurse, I LOVED that she gave an anti-littering message :)

wandering educators

how lovely this is - and brava, mozart, for both the award-winning (and important!) speech, and the lovely solo!

Melissa Read (readontheroad

Thanks to Mom for taping and sharing- Mozart gave a wonderful, inspirational speech (I loved the appropriate gestures!) and what a lovely singing voice she has! I can see why you're so justly proud of her (I am just knowing you all) and I expect we'll continue to hear really great things of her in the future!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Christine - Thanks so much! We're very proud of her!!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Aw, thanks Margaret! I thought she was very brave doing both of these..she never ceases to surprise us. ;)

Jeanne @soultravelers3

MOL - Thanks so much! Like you, she has passion on this topic! ;)

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks Jesse! These have been two wonderful benefits of her Mandarin school in Asia that we hadn't expected.

Great experiences for her to stretch out in and she also made great friends while doing it.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks so much Melissa! One of the great things about having a 10 year old is you get a glimmer of the adult to come. It's a wonderful age!



Jeanne @soultravelers3

Muchas Gracas Sylvina! Fun to see you here! Big hugs to all of you!!

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