
Beautiful Butterfly, Flowers and Family Travel

July 18, 2011

beautiful photo of a butterfly

Warm sunshine, colorful butterflies, beautiful flowers, buzzing bees, chirping birds, green all around.

One of the best things about our family world trip is often the little things like being able to spend more time in nature. I feel so blessed that when we travel Europe by motorhome, we have nature as our living room and dining room and that enriches all of us.

I am even writing this out under the trees in beautiful Barcelona at the beach.

Scientific studies show that natural environments profoundly affects our well being psychologically, cognitively and creates better health. Research clearly substantiates that a positive environmental ethic and affinity with nature comes from regular contact and play in the natural world.

"Nature is fuel for the soul" Ryan

"Children are born with a sense of wonder and an affinity for Nature. Properly cultivated, these values can mature into ecological literacy, and eventually into sustainable patterns of living. " Barlow

As I watch Mozart play in nature, making a secret "club house" in the woods here with international friends and chasing after butterflies, I am grateful that she is NOT like the average eight-to-18-year-old American who spends more than 53 hours a week "using entertainment media" nor will she ever have "nature deficit disorder".

 How are you and your children spending more time in nature this summer? Do you promote daily outdoor free play for kids and parents?

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Britt-Arnhild in Norway

Quite easy when you live in Norway. here is a post our two daughters did in my blog a couple of weeks ago:

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Britt- Norway is indeed very beautiful ( albeit one of the most expensive places on earth).

You have every right to be proud as a cook and lovely daughters too. ;)

Alas, the very long, dark, very cold, snowy winters make for a lot of time indoors. And since I much prefer tropical winters and summer or spring all year, You will only catch me in Norway in the short summer. :)

family travel

Beautiful and wonderful travel always pay to you and make yours life long and happiness.

Thanks submit!!!!!!!!!!!!

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