
European Foodie Delights: Freshly Baked

October 03, 2011

Europe bakery

One of the fantastic things about Europe is the fresh baked bread, baguettes, "pan" and croissants. Every morning when I take my walk near the sea, I smell the bread and pastries being baked. We didn't know before our family world tour that almost all of the campsites in Europe have freshly baked bread and croissants at very cheap prices.

This is a photo of the Catalan bakery at our resort in Barcelona where we were most of the summer and where we often stay for months at a time over the last 6 years of travel.  The warm bread is delicious ( kidlet loves to soak it in Balsamic and virgin olive oil) and they have the very best croissants in Europe in my humble opinion.

They also have some amazing pastries and cupcakes although we try not to indulge in those too often. Kidlet enjoys riding her bike in the morning to the store and bakery ( short distance) and bringing home the bread for breakfast or later for dinner.

It's a good life! Grin. What are your favorite baked goods from Europe? We've had too many to tell, but the Belem pastries in Portugal, cream puffs in Netherlands and pancakes in Finland or  home cooked delights from our dear friends in Sweden come to mind off hand beside this bread and croissants.

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Wow. Sounds awesome. I can't wait. I get to eat rice all the time instead. However, it doesn't surprise me because in neighboring Laos, which was once owned by the French, the Lao people still sell cheap bread on the streets unlike the Thai people who consider bred to be too plain for their taste.


When I was in Geneva for a semester I would take the bus each week to France for a pain au chocolat. It was so good! I wish I could have another! There were also these iced gingerbread cookies that I loved. Thankfully a store here carried them for Christmas last year!

Jeanne Soultravelers3

Funny, Marlana that they find bread too plain but rice not too plain. ;)

The bad news with our travel lifestyle is we find temptation where ever we go. ;)

You will definitely love the food in Europe. My favorite food countries are Italy, France and Spain!

Jeanne Soultravelers3

Ha! Christina, those must have been good! Cool that you could find those cookies again near you!! ;)

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