
Home School Kids Travel

March 27, 2012

travel with home school kid in Europe

Can the world be your textbook? There truly is no better education than travel, especially for today's 21st Century student and it is easiest for homeschooled or home educated kids to slow travel with their families long term.

There are endless ways to travel with kids, but extended travel gives one the advantages of deeper immersion in another culture and language, thus deeper understanding and advantages. We homeschool in English, but also dip from time to time in local foreign schools so we monoligual parents can raise a fluent trilingual.

More and more families are taking advantage of homeschooling and how it allows for family travel, education and deep bonding through shared memories. Sometimes just the Mom takes the kids and the Dad stays at home or meets them on the road for a shorter period or they hook it up with some of his work travel. Some homeschool for just a year of travel or shorter stints over several years.


* Homeschooling abroad or world schooling

* How we Learn as we Travel

* Learning Vacations

* Advantages of the global student

* How and why to raise a global kid

* How to raise a multilingual child

* Writing in Spanish

* Friends on our ultimate family adventure 

Travel for school can be done in one's home country or around the world and since we've been doing it for 6 years to 44 countries on 5 continents on just $23/day per person, we know it might be the cheapest way to travel the world as a family.

Some call it travel schooling, unschooling or world schooling, the Brits call it home education, but no matter what you call it, travel and education is a combo that can't be beat. Find some ways to fit it in with your family, even if it is just exploring your neighborhood or local multicultural events. You can use our videos and posts to homeschool and travel virtually.

Swimming with sharks in Bora Bora, riding a camel in Jordan, dissecting squid in California at a Johns Hopkins CTY science workshop, visiting the world's top museums, taking piano and violin lessons as we roam the world with teachers on a different continent, climbing the Tiger's Nest in Bhutan, sailing the Turquoise coast in Turkey, swimming with dolphins with marine biologists in Portugal and Florida,  reading Homer and Greek myths in GreeceCanoeing under Pont du Gard in Provence, becoming fluent in Mandarin and Spanish, cruising the Fjords of Norway, sleeping in a nomad tent in the Sahara, seeing a performance at Shakespeare's Globe theatre in London, an opera in Verona and the Sydney Opera House...are just a very few of the educational opportunities we've had on our family world trip.

Would you like the world to be your classroom?

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Rachel Denning

Love it! This is what we're after (but with 5 kids instead!)

Thanks for sharing

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks Rachel and good for you!! It is harder with a large family in some ways ( but easier in other ways as you always have playmates) but more and more big families are doing this too. I know a single mom with 5 young multiracial adopted kids who is doing it and there was once a Kiwi family of 8 kids that did it for 15 months.

I am always curious why so many nomad families are Mormon like you guys. Why do you think that is?

Adam Dudley

My wife and I don't have children...but...we often get questions and comments from frustrated parents that don't think long-term travel is possible for them because they have children. Your post addresses this issue beautifully.

Personally, I was fortunate to have an aunt that was a travel agent...and...she made it a point to ensure that I got to see some of the world outside of what I was used to at an early age. And I heartily agree with you that, "There truly is no better education than travel..."

Travel made me savvy to the ways of the world...and...made it easier for me to connect with and understand people from different cultures and traditions. And that has enriched my life in truly profound ways!

Liz Wright

I simply have to say that I am so inspired. I hit the road traveling solo just 18 months ago, but now in my 30's I was starting to get the question as to when I was going to settle down and start a family (making me think I had to leave travel behind and "grow up.") SO inspired to see you raising your daughter and teaching her about the world...through the world. How much better suited and adjusted will she be as an adult! I can't wait for the opportunity. Right on. You guys rock!!! Would love to share your story :)

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks so much @Adam for your kind and supportive words! Obviously I couldn't agree more about the benefits of travel to kids. I suppose we both understand because we did a lot of travel in our childhoods. I wanted my child to have that advantage too.

Send folks my way who want to travel with kids and think it's impossible. ;)

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Wow, thanks so much Liz! Thankfully, today's world makes it easier than ever to work and school ANY where and our 21st kids in this shrinking world are going to need these advantages.

I don't think one ever has to grow up! Life is meant to be lived!! ;)

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