
Happy Birthday, Baby!

April 13, 2012

cute baby

I love this baby, or rather yearling, being held tight by mama's hand to keep her from running away free and wild. It was taken in the 1950's and is one of my favorite photos of me as a baby because it shows how little I have really changed in basic nature. I am guessing my beloved Grandmother took the photo ( of her eldest child and first grandchildren) and my eyes shine with love and joy at her.

It is actually a picture of my mom, two brothers and me ( barely a year apart) in front of my grandparents home in Michigan, but I cut it tighter for this post. I love the little baby too, who was my "gentle giant" 6'7'  baby brother who died at 40.

I don't usually talk about my birthdays much online, but this was a big one. In March I turned 60 and I must admit I haven't dreaded a birthday like this since 30. Some how both of these milestones, seemed a bit distasteful to me, yet all the rest of my birthdays were perfectly accepted. I think some how they both signified getting old to me and I am such a  young-at-heart free spirit, I don't really like that idea, but then again it is better than the alternative.

"A man's age is something impressive, it sums up his life: maturity reached slowly and against many obstacles, illnesses cured, griefs and despairs overcome, and unconcious risks taken; maturity formed through so many desires, hopes, regrets, forgotten things, loves. A man's age represents a fine cargo of experiences and memories." Antoine de Saint-Exupery

How did this happen? Sixty? Really? I still naturally don't have any gray hair, I am not on any medication  and I feel as young as ever.  I am thinking that age is just a number and doesn't really matter.

kiss in the pool

It probably didn't help that I had been dealing with travel health issues for some time as this birthday approached, but luckily healthy eating and a few other things was turning that around. So by the time it arrived I was ready to accept it and rejoice in gratitude that I have had sixty wonderful years on this planet, have an amazing child that I get to spend tons of time with, a great husband, two living sweet parents, a dear sister and awesome friends around the world.

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. "Satchel" Page

I am doing a daily mediation tape about healing from the inside out that I thoroughly enjoy and it has a special part that touches me each time that talks about reclaiming that full energy that we come in with to planet earth and this is the baby image of me that always comes to mind.

Also, we got all of our baby videos of Mozart when we were home in California and put them all on DVD so we could bring them with us, so we've been really enjoying our abundant baby and toddler videos of Mozart. So fun to revisit that time period again and that wild and free baby and toddler energy.

bliss of floating and cloud watching

I had a lovely birthday doing my favorite things with my favorite beloveds. I got a massage from my favorite masseuse in Asia, swam with my baby, went for a walk on the beach at sunset with my darling husband and we all had dinner at my favorite organic restaurant in Penang. Even splurged on a taxi. Perfect day for me!

Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years.  We grow old by deserting our ideals.  Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.  ~Samuel Ullman

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.  ~Henry Ford

The trick is growing up without growing old.  ~Casey Stengel

beach in Penang

 Alas, as this post waited in it's queue to go up, we got two blows this week. First an earthquake that shook our beautiful new home ( thankfully it was at a distance in Indonesia) and gave us a Tsunami warning. We recovered from that to get the very sad news that my Dad had been hospitalized in Texas and the doctors think he will live only a few days.

All the more reason to embrace every moment of life full of gratitude and sieze the day.

"All of us have been dying, hour by hour, since the moment we were born. Realizing this, let all things be placed in their proper perspective. . . . Remember, it is always later than you think." Og Mandino

"It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts." Stevenson


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Melissa Read (readontheroad

Happy Birthday!! I celebrate the day, but don't look too hard at the year. Whenever I hear people lamenting their increasing age, I think of my Mom, who truely wanted to live to 100 (but died at 72), and my vibrant sister, who fought cancer even harder than my Mom, but died at 51. I can see lamenting ill health, but not age, with age comes wisdom (we hope!) Praying for a peaceful transition for your Dad, and a continued healthy life for you!

Margaret Sch.

To celebrate your birthday (among many other ways), how about watching this 86-year-old lady's gymnastic routine?? To her, age IS just a number, obviously! Happy moments, days, year and years ahead!


sorry about your dad. And Happy Birthday. and Age is just a number. You had to be in good health to have had your daughter that late in l ife.


I've heard that people misrepresent themselves online, but you're supposed to say that you're younger, not older, than your driver's license. LOL :-) Gracious me, from your gorgeous perfect smile to your radiant skin--gimme some of that youth you've managed to bottle!!

Happy Birthday! I celebrated a cough-cough-9 birthday this March, which makes next year one of The Milestones. I'm with you...Carpe Diem all the way.

Peace be with you as you face the next passage with your dad.


Happy Birthday and all our best wishes for another 60 years filled with love, happiness, health, and FUNtastic times together with those dear to your heart. Cheers to a life lived with no regrets and gratitude.


Happy birthday! Glad you had a wonderful day and wish you many more in the years ahead.

Sorry to hear your dad is not well,it must be tough dealing with this sort of news when your traveling.


It's a shock actually that you're that old. 50's is quite a number but knowing how you write your stuff excellently on this blog makes me more of a fan for soul traveler. :)

Margaret Sch.

That old hymn that says, "Morning has broken like the first morning" is just as true for you (and me) TODAY as it was the day(s) we were born! Happy celebration of life . . . being alive! And thanks for sharing your daily visions with so many people!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks dear Melissa for your kind and encouraging words! Love and light to your Mom and Sister!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Love that video @Margaret and now you also have me singing that Morning has broken every day at sunrise here. ;) It is so true, isn't it? Thanks Dearheart!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks Marlana...and yes I was super healthy when I had my daughter midwife said my DNA didn't know how old I was! LOL That's what gives me faith that I can recover 100%!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Aw, thanks Hullsedge! I do feel blessed that I come from a long line of people who age well and live long. ;)

Happy Birthday to you too!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

So appreciate that Violeta!!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks Charmine for you sweet and kind words!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Ha! is a shock to me too! LOL Thanks for the support!

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