
Penang at Night

May 14, 2012

Georgetown, Penang at night

Penang is known for it's exciting nightlife which is intricately connected to it's famous hawker stalls and night markets. Penang is very famous for it's food and eating culture. Many in Asia think it is the best in the world and even Singaporeans happily drive nine hours to enjoy the world-renown food. You'd be amazed at what they come up with, often just using a bicycle made into a mobile kitchen.

One can almost feel the hustle and bustle of Gurney night life in this photo, where locals and tourists alike feast on Hawker food into the wee hours. There is also a booming nightlife in Batu Ferringhi centered at it's night market or " Pasar Malam" filled with makeshift stalls selling everything from food to clothes.

In Georgetown throngs of people head out on weekends to varioius night clubs, pubs, karoke lounges, restaurants and discos. It is all quite entertaining for us, just as a people-watching activity as much as anything, so we dip into it from time to time.

But mostly, we view night in Penang from our very peaceful high-rise apartment home with splendid views of all of Georgetown and the Andaman sea. Our travel health issues and commitment to eating healthy organic food means we enjoy a different side of Penang.

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Catherine Kolodin

Where do you find organic food in Penang?

Jeanne @soultravelers3

It is actually easier to find organic food in Penang than it is in Europe, Catherine.

They even have it at Tesco ( which is two blocks form us) and the local super market.

Penang is a foodie place, so a lot is available in the health food stores and one can also get some home delivery from organic farms.

There is not the endless variety like in California..but there is a lot here.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

By the way I will be writing more on this topic with specific info soon!

Maria Storgaard

When you are in Penang and asia in general, do you eat from the street kitchens (if you weren't on a diet and cooked at home:)?

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