
Budget Travel Norway= Yummy Picnic

June 18, 2012

happy cheap travel in Europe - Norway picnic

 Want to know how to eat cheaply and healthy when traveling Europe? Want special memories that will last forever while traveling with your family? Think picnic! Like we did here in Norway near the boats in the charming town of Bergen. We still remember this happy moment as if it was yesterday.

"Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living." Miriam Beard

National Geographic Traveler Magazine named the fijords in Norway, "the best unspoiled travel destination in the world" and they are on  Hillman's list of Top 100 Wonders of the World. Norway fjords are perfect for family travel!

Alas, Norway is one of the most expensive places in the world, but  it can be done on a low budget. Here are some tips on Norway travel:

Family Travel to Fjords in Norway

Norway Hostel

Exploring Food with Norway Travel

Oslo Travel for families

Nobel Peace Prize Travel in Oslo

Have you been to Norway? Is it on your list?

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Shanna Schultz

We are cheating a little and visiting Norway on a cruise ship in August.

We found a great deal, and I am sure that we will spend much less on the cruise than we would traveling Norway on land.

Plus, I am sure it will afford us some awesome views of those fjords!


Norway - Yes!

It is lovely, and it is a bit expensive.

Three of us spent a weekend on a round-trip road trip between Prague and Oslo. We made it there and back in 4 days, enjoying many "picnic" style lunches en route.

The ST3 family's looking happy as ever. Keep up the great memories!


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