
How To Make Kefir Easy - Goats Milk or Coconut Milk

July 16, 2012

  How to make kefir - goats milk or coconut

 Kefir is considered a super food by many and it is super easy to make and perfect at home or to take with you as you travel for better health and to protect your immune system. Kefir is a fermented drink/food that began centuries ago in the Caucasus Mountains where the people were known to live extremely long, healthy lives.


"Kefir is a probiotic, which means it contains "friendly" bacteria. Kefir also contains calcium and protein. The viable lactic acid bacteria in fermented milk products, such as yoghurt and kefir, have been associated with increased lactose tolerance, a well-balanced intestinal microflora, antimicrobial activity, stimulation of the immune system and antitumoural, anticholesterolaemic and antioxidative properties in human subjects." Ray Sahelian M.D .

"A study published in the Journal of Immnobiology in 2006 showed that kefir has the potential to positively modulate immunity in mice making it more effective at destroying viruses and bacteria that enter the body as well as destroy tumor cells. Although these studies still need to be confirmed in humans, the potential for kefir to be helpful in maintaining a healthy immune system seems likely."  Kristie Leong M.D.

This is the BIG key I think "Kefir actually helps to colonize your intestinal tract" because all diseases start in the gut and the typical western diet harms us all. More medical validation at the end of this post.

"Discover the incredible health-promoting benefits of kefir. If you are serious about boosting your immunity and increasing your daily energy, then adding traditionally fermented foods to your diet is a must. Although not widely known, the health benefits of these foods are tremendous While both Kefir and yogurt are cultured milk products, they contain different types of beneficial bacteria. Yogurt contains transient beneficial bacteria that keep your digestive system clean and provide food for the friendly bacteria that already are present. Kefir actually helps to colonize your intestinal tract -- a feat that yogurt cannot match." Mercola D.O

what you need to make kefir


This is all one needs to make your own kefir. Once you buy the kefir grains ( about 10 dollars) they last forever, so this is a cheap, easy way to health. You need two mason jars, 1 wooden spoon, a dish towel, rubber band and small sieve. On the road you can just use one jar.

Raw milk is best, but you can use cow, goat, sheep, camel, donkey, horse, coconut, almond etc milk. So even vegans and paleo types can eat kefir and there are even water kefir grains for natual sodas.

"Real kefir grains are the genuine article from the Causasus Mountains, not to be confused with the direct set cultures that eventually lose their potency requireing you to reorder again and again. Real kefir grains never need to be reordered. With proper care they last forever." Kefir Lady


I would shy away from the kind you have to buy over and over, save money and get the best quality. Contact Dom in Austrailia  ( perhaps the world's best expert on kefir) or the Kefir Lady Exchange ( recommended by WAPF). 

I got mine through Kefir Baby here in KL, Malaysia...she sent it through the mail and held my hand via email through my first attempts at making kefir last year.


If you must buy it, I've read that good commercial products include Redwood Hill Farms's Traditional Goat Kefir and Lifeway's Organic whole milk plain kefir that you can find in health food stores.  Of course, it is always better to make your own and cheaper.

goats milk

This is the goat milk that I use to make my kefir. Sadly it is pasteurized as I have not found a good, safe  source yet for raw goat milk here in Penang, but thankfully, the kefir makes it much healthier by all it adds to the milk. Also they deliver it fresh to my door twice a week, so that is handy.

fresh coconut milk

This is the fresh coconut milk that I use to make kefir with. Luckily coconut milk ( and coconut water, coconut meat etc) is every where here in Penang as it's part of the culture. I will be writing more about that fascinationg story and how we get this at the local market for so little. We watch them make it, so it couldn't be easier and is as fresh as making our own. Try your health food stores or Asian markets at home and make sure it is a good brand, or make your own!

The process for making kefir is the same no matter what kind of milk you use, athough I use separate kefir grains for the coconut milk  and do them with goat milk too once a week to keep them strong. The grains thrive more in milk, so will need more babying if you do regular daily coconut milk kefir-making.

curds and whey

This is how one knows the kefir is "done". Remember the childhood song about,"curds and whey" ? Well this is it and the whey is the clear part on the bottom here. Later I will tell you how to collect whey when you make easy kefir goat cheese and how you can make wonderful things like lacto-fermented salsa with the whey.

making kefir

We want both parts, so the first things to do when it is done is just stir with a wooden spoon. I am not sure why but one is not suppose to use metal with kefir and kefir products.

using a strainer to make kefir

Then you pour the "ripe" kefir through the strainer into another clean jar.

kefir grains ...stirring

Sometimes you need a little help, so just use the spoon to move the grains around a bit, so the liquid kefir can get through the strainer.

kefir grains

This is what kefir grains look like! They are not really grains, but quite magical and they grow as you use them. Eating the extra is very good for you or you can pull some off to start your coconut kefir or give some to a friend. You will come to love your magical kefir grains!

making more healthy kefir

Then you just use your spoon to move the kefir grains into a clean jar.


Plop! That's it, now you are ready to make more kefir.

pouring milk

Add milk to the grains.

how to make kefir tutorial - end product

Top it with a clean dish towel and a rubber band to hold in place and put in a warm dark place like in a kitchen cabinet for 12 to 24 hours. That's it! When it is ready you drink it or put it in the refrigerator.


Kefir will vary in taste and if you have health problems or are lacto intolerant, you might want to take it slowly the way Dr. Cambell-McBride suggests on the GAPS Diet. None of us have had any trouble taking loads right from the start and we use more when sick. If you don't care for the taste, it is easy to mask it in smoothies with raw, unheated honey and fruit like I do for my husband and child. They didn't even know they were getting nutritious kefir and pastured raw eggs in their daily, yummy  "power milk shake".

Also a second fement helps the taste and I often do that in a clamp-down jar adding things like organic orange peel or goji berries  ( or garlic for a dip) which makes a great taste and increases the vitamins plus makes the calcium and magnesium even more bio-available. I will be writing more about that in another post.


Ilja Iljitsch Metschnikow, who was a Russian bacteriologist, won the Nobel Prize in 1908 for citing the life-extending properties of kefir. His research showed the connection between the high percentage of longevity in Bulgarians and Romanians and their regular consumption of kefir.

 Johanna Budwig ( six times Nobel award-nominated German doctor) says that combining kefir and cold pressed flaxseed oil creates a newly structured super nutrient which can actually help the immune system to prevent and degrade cancer and heart disease.

Dr. Cambell-McBride ( M.D. Neurosugeon and Pediatrician with a Masters degree in Nutrition) writes extensively about kefir in her popular book  Gut And Psychology Syndrome. Natural Treatment Of Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Depression And Schizophrenia. She had a son who had autism who she cured with her innovative methods and diet and has helped tens of thousands with everything from autism to chronic fatigue syndrome.


I have long known the benefits of Kefir and used store bought, organic goat milk kefir for Mozart when she was a toddler, but I didn't take it real seriously until lately because of my travel health issues. I used it on and off last year, but have gotten a lot more into it this year and feel it is really helping rebuild my gut and immune system as well as my families.

We find it a great, cheap and easy addition to add to our healthy travel lifestyle and it is even easier for you to do at home. Takes me about 5 minutes a day to make both the coconut and goat milk kefir. I only bought a very few mason jars to use for lacto-fermenting many things and my bone broths, so I collect and use jars that we buy things in like honey and organic peanut butter. I used the mason jars for these photos, but usually just use the other jars on a daily basis. We use up what we make so it doesn't stay in the refrigerator long.

Any questions or comments? Read Dom's kefir site for anything you might want to know about kefir.

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Olivia Lane

Awesome! Great tutorial. I want to try this. Thank you for including pictures too.


This kind of processed dairy is actually not new to me since I've been seeing such in our local wet market though I didn't know the terms they used for it. My parents just buy them like any other juice to drink.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Interesting Jesse, I've never seen Kefir at the wet markets here.


Wow...this is some very interesting information. My husband and I have only just started on our healthier food journey. Never thought of adding kefir yet.
But I was actually born in the Caucasus and my family must have taken some culture along from there. I remember my aunt having kefir often, especially as a cool refreshment and substitute for lunch on hot summer days.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks Regina! Sounds like it's in your you should love doing this and enjoying the benefits!


I have kefir grains from Caucasus Mountains and have made milk kefit. Due to new no milk diet I want to make coconut kefir. Can you tell me how to prepare the grains to use them for coconut kefir?
Thank you,


Jeanne @soultravelers3

Sorry, it has taken me a while to answer this Kathie, I've been mostly off line of late because my daughter was on vacation from her Mandarin school, so just now catching up.

I am not an expert on kefir, so might be best to read up on what Dom's site says ( link above) but what I did was skim some of the kefir grains from my milk grains.

( I've done this a few times because I find the coconut milk is harder on the milk grains as they really need milk to thrive).

So I feed them a little milk every few days or even every day. How? I just put a little bit of goats milk in the grains for several hours, then pour that out with a strainer, and then use the coconut for a longer ferment.

I usually drink that bit of milk and it has a very coconut flavor.

OR if I don't need the coconut milk ( I usually do because we make smoothies every day with it) I have given them a whole ferment with the milk and then use them.

I usually do the first one and play it by ear by how well my grains look.

I suppose if they looked too "unhappy" I'd just start with new grains, but so far this has worked for me.

Not sure if this tiny, tiny bit of milk exposure would work for your non-dairy diet. The other way would be to just use water grains I suppose.

If you strain them well, you are really not getting much milk exposure, but I would do it with goats milk, especially if you are in the US because the dairy that is the worst is A1 ( even with raw milk I hear) and most of the cows there have that kind of milk.

Fermented goat milk is the best way to go for dairy I read and you would have very little exposure the way I do it with the coconut milk made with milk grains.


Hi, I live in Singapore and am waiting to receive some f Dom's milk kefir but in the meantime have been using a yogurt starter but with UHT milk. Just discovered some delicious goat milk produced at farm here and wanted to give it a go. They say not to heat the goal milk because it's already pasteurized homogenized - how do you do for your goat milk? Also i have so much water kefir it's taking over my freezer. I use it for coconut water and plain water kefir. Can you use this for the goat milk? And where do you get fresh coconut milk? Or is it UHT store bought that you turn to kefir ? Sorry so many questions....

Thank you



Unpasturised pure goats milk can be founfd at Pulau Tikus wet market



jeanne @soultravelers3

Regina -sorry about the late reply, but very busy here now planning trip to China, blog posts and health protocols taking all my spare time.

UHT is not a good milk to use. It will work, but you are starting with a very dead product.

My goat milk is pasteurized here ( not in the USA) and I do not heat it again.

I don't know if you can use the water kefir for milk or not, but it is not the best way...milk kefir grains are best for that.

Coconut milk is EASY to find here at all the markets, even on the streets, so I am betting it is easy to find in Singapore as well.

Good luck!

jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks Ivan! I have found raw goat milk here in Asia, but I do not feel confident about it because some have died in Penang from drinking raw milk.

I do drink it in the USA because it is safer.

I would have to know the farmer well and his cleanliness and methods in order to drink raw milk here in Penang.



How can I buy this kefir



I get raw milk from the neighboor. What's the best way to sanitize it when using it for Kefir? I usually use H202 or Colloidal silver. Should I heat it instead, if so to what degree..

jeanne @soultravelers3

I don't know anything about your neighbors animals or how what they eat or how fastidious he is about keeping his raw milk clean and pure....BUT if it is good raw milk that you have checked out. I would never heat it.

We found good raw goats milk a few months ago and are using it to make kefir.

The important thing is to get grass fed ( preferably a type 2 milk) raw milk from someone you trust and be VERY informed about this topic and the risks.

I like Colloidal silver for somethings, but I don't use it on my good raw milk, but you have to do your own homework and do what works for you.

jeanne @soultravelers3

Let me say that ANY thing that you put in your mouth has risks, but I would be MUCH more afraid of pasturized dead milk ( that is on grocery shelves) than good raw milk.

A baby cow DIES if it drinks pasturized milk ( with in a short time) so you can imagine the harm it does to humans.

Good raw milk made into kefir is one of the most healing super foods on the planet and something that can repopulate the gut better than any other probiotic!

jeanne @soultravelers3

That said, I wouldn't trust just ANY raw milk or any raw eggs etc.

Must be clean, tested, grassfed etc by someone you have checked out and trust.


I did a search trying to find kefir grains in Penang and this post came up. Are you still in Penang? If so, do you happen to have any extra grains you'd be willing to share? We live in Batu Ferringhi but would be happy to come to you.

And finally, where do you find pastured eggs in Penang that you are comfortable eating raw? I haven't been able to find any yet that I'm confident enough of the source to risk it. Thanks for any help you can give on this!

I'm happy to have found your site, and I hope to meet you someday soon!


Jeanne @soultravelers3

Hi Tina...this is done most easily via email to set up, so please use our contact page which goes right to our email box.

We get our fresh pastured eggs at the organic health food store and some at the market from a particular seller.

I still would like to find a farm I can check out myself as a source, but so far this has worked for us as we have all been eating TONS of raw eggs daily in Penang for about 3 years without any problems.

In fact, our very strict, super healthy diet has brought us all greater health and even shows up strongly on our blood work in very positive ways.

It is much harder to get a super healthy, organic diet in Penang ( compared to California) but it is possible.

That said, I also know a LOT about eggs and raw milk, so take proper precautions and handle them all suggest all get informed and do their own homework.


Hello Jeanne,
Thank you for your blog and your sharing. Would you like to know where do you buy your eggs here in Penang?


Hi I am new to Penang and have just heard about kefir and would also love to know if i can by them here.

Patricia Chong

Hi! I'm from Kuala Lumpur & just came upon this site. Can you please let me know where I can get some kefir grains in KL. I have occasional bouts of diarrhoea & stomach upsets & would really want to include kefir in my diet. I would be grateful if I can get to know how to go about it. Thanks.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Hi Emme and Patricia...the best place to get grains in Malaysia is in KL as I mentioned in this post:

I got mine through Kefir Baby here in KL,

She will send them to you in Penang after you deposit money in her account in Maybank.

Good luck and feel better!


Hi. I've got a small (3) herd of pygmy goats that I milk daily and so I make my kefir with their raw milk. The kefir LOVES it and multiplies so quickly, I can't give the grains away fast enough! If anyone in England (I'm in Dunstable, Bedfordshire) would like some Kefir grains free, you only need to ask!


So glad I found your site with such good information about coconut kefir, keep it up.

julie daniels

Can I use Flax milk to make milk kefer?

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