How to Stay Connected with Family While You Travel Around the World
August 26, 2012

How do you stay in touch with family and friends around the world? It's easier than ever today, thanks to tech and doesn't cost anything. Here you see our 11 year old having a Skype video conversation in Asia with her Grandma in California. She is using the webcam to give her a tour of her imaginary world from a fancy but free minimalist dollhouse made from a thrown out cardboard box.
She loves this kind of imaginary play around the world as you can see in Croatia, Barcelona, Portugal, Andalusia and every place we've been. Mozart likes to create her own worlds with her Lego and Playmobile toys, but she is also very artistic, so makes her own toys out of paper, colored pencils, scissors and tape or glue. She loves to give tours and share.
She gave a similar tour to her best friends in Spain as well as all her friends here in person. I don't think we could have done these last 7 years of non-stop world travel without the tech available today and most importantly free webcam calls.
We don't feel so far away because of tech and keep our relationships up this way. Mozart was able to share losing all her baby teeth around the world from her first missing tooth in France.
She shares her art work, winning a trophy, introduces new friends, plays violin or piano and more with her Grandmother on a regular basis. It's helped us deal with mourning on the road with deaths from both sides and staying connected during those trying times.
Yes, we use our blog, Twitter ( great in a medical emergency abroad) and Facebook too, as well as post cards, visits home and them coming to us and we use Skype for many things inclucing piano and violin lessons with teachers on other continents, but freee webcam calls with family and friends is essential for a traveling lifestyle.
The possibilities for connection are endless. How do you use webcam calls or tech to stay close with loved ones at a distance?
How do you stay in touch with family and friends around the world? It's easier than ever today, thanks to tech and doesn't cost anything. Here you see our 11 year old having a Skype video conversation in Asia with her Grandma in California. She is using the webcam to give her a tour of her imaginary world from a fancy but free minimalist dollhouse made from a thrown out cardboard box.
She loves this kind of imaginary play around the world as you can see in Croatia, Barcelona, Portugal, Andalusia and every place we've been. Mozart likes to create her own worlds with her Lego and Playmobile toys, but she is also very artistic, so makes her own toys out of paper, colored pencils, scissors and tape or glue. She loves to give tours and share.
She gave a similar tour to her best friends in Spain as well as all her friends here in person. I don't think we could have done these last 7 years of non-stop world travel without the tech available today and most importantly free webcam calls.
We don't feel so far away because of tech and keep our relationships up this way. Mozart was able to share losing all her baby teeth around the world from her first missing tooth in France.
She shares her art work, winning a trophy, introduces new friends, plays violin or piano and more with her Grandmother on a regular basis. It's helped us deal with mourning on the road with deaths from both sides and staying connected during those trying times.
Yes, we use our blog, Twitter ( great in a medical emergency abroad) and Facebook too, as well as post cards, visits home and them coming to us and we use Skype for many things inclucing piano and violin lessons with teachers on other continents, but freee webcam calls with family and friends is essential for a traveling lifestyle.
The possibilities for connection are endless. How do you use webcam calls or tech to stay close with loved ones at a distance?
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Beautiful dollhouse! Truly, the possibilities for staying in touch (or NOT doing so) are endless, regardless of where "they" are and where "we" are. From a poem by Rumi: "Surely there is a window from heart to heart: they are not separate or far from each other."
Posted by: Margaret Sch. | August 26, 2012 at 08:46 AM
Love that Rumi quote Margaret! I think one of the greatest blessings about tech today is how it allows us to stay connected.
I can't imagine doing this world trip with only snail male or expensive phone calls.
She has gotten so much fun from this homemade doll house and continues to add to her village here in our office/playroom/music room. I should do a post about how to make it and I love it that she spends so much time making her own toys for free. ;)
Posted by: Jeanne @soultravelers3 | August 26, 2012 at 04:20 PM
I lived in Portugal from 1987-88. All I had was letters and very expensive phone calls! I think it would have been a much easier year, especially keeping in touch with my boyfriend if we had all the tech things we have now! We do free skype calls daily with my parents in Vermont!
Posted by: Meghan | August 27, 2012 at 01:54 AM
So true Meghan..what a difference it makes! I lived a year in Italy in the 70's so know just what you are talking about. ;)
Posted by: Jeanne @soultravelers3 | August 27, 2012 at 02:39 AM