
Juicing and Health

October 31, 2012

healthy juice from greens, beets and carrots etc

Do you use juicing as one of your organic healthy ways to improve your well being? As I have been exploring heatlh and travel to find the best way to keep my family healthy, I've been trying out juicing and it's many benefits.

I never thought making fresh green juices daily would be part of my travel health secrets, but neither did I think I would be making my own organic bone broth, organic DIY deodorant, DIY healthy shampoo, lacto-fermented salsa and chutney or kefir as we roam the world either. I know this juice looks red, but it is primarily a green veggie juice, but the beets in it make it look red and perhaps the carrot gives it a bit of orange sparkle.

Sometimes where life leads is suprising and due to my health journey I have discovered many new things to add since I wrote How to Eat Healthy and Cheap Traveling Europe. I've had friends who have long been huge proponents of juicing, but it always seemed way too much trouble to me. Some of the health professionals I most liked in my reading ( Dr. Brasco M.D. , Dr. Campbell-Mcbride M.D. MMedSci, Rubin, Vonderplantz etc.) all suggested juicing for health building.

beautiful chopped vegetables ready to juice

It was easy to buy fresh green organic juices when we were in California, but we decided to buy a juicer here in Asia to explore this option more deeply and I may get a stick blender for smoothies and juices when we are more on the move.

I've tried various juice combinations, but the one I seem to like the best is made of organic greens ( similar to kale but an Asian variety),  organic carrots, beets, cabbage, parsley, cilantro with a thumb size knob of ginger and about an inch of tumeric with a bit of kefir, coconut oil and raw egg yolks. The beets and cabbage seem to be especially healing for the gut.

I have tried cucumbers and or tomatoes in it too, but I am avoiding tomatoes these days ( and even pastured eggs) at the moment, as both eggs and nightshade veggies can be inflammatory according to some, so I am testing that elimination now.

Green juices are potent sources of vitamins, enzymes and trace minerals and very easy for the body to assimilate, digest and use. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride recommends it for detoxification and it's been an honored healing and optimal vitality method for over 5000 years, traced back to Ayurvedic medicine.

Juicing allows you to consume more vegetables in an easy way with greater variety. I'm not crazy about tumeric or parsley, but find them easy to take in my juice. The negatives are all the chopping and clean up, but I tend to do them in the morning or early on an empty stomach when my energy is still good and have some good clean up folks on my team.

Have you ever tried juicing on a regular basis?

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