
Morning Inspirational Quotes and Sunrise Photo

October 28, 2012

beautiful sunrise photo starts me day with joy

Morning has broken and a new day , a new week greets us. Things have speeded up in our travel lifestyle  world as we are doing last minute prep for our trip to China, thus my posts will likely be shorter for a while with mostly photos. I love sharing these sunrise photos with you and inspiring quotes so hope you enjoy them too.

“I will greet this day with love in my heart. And how will I do this? Henceforth will I look on all things with love and be born again. I will love the sun for it warms my bones; yet I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit. I will love the light for it shows me the way; yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars. I will welcome happiness as it enlarges my heart; yet I will endure sadness for it opens my soul. I will acknowledge rewards for they are my due; yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge.” ~ Og Mandino

"Being loving is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others. There is nothing in your life - or anyone else's - that loving cannot heal." - John-Roger

"Don’t ever shrink your dream to fit into someone else’s definition of what’s possible." ~  Goodwin

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