
Food in China

November 28, 2012

fresh food and market in China

There is so much to love about China, and in some ways we are tempted to do a long stay here, but as delicious as the food is,( and it's been fantastic), I still have grave concerns about the food/water quality here and the pollution.

It is true that everywhere on the planet, these are serious issues and there is no safe place any more, but China seems to have even more problems in this area and everyone here seems to have
 a cough or sinus issue due to the air pollution and we can all feel it in our lungs ( despite it being a low pollution time here and usually quite clear. ( I'd hate to be here in a high pollution time).

All the locals we are dealing with here are also quite concerned about these issues. The family we are staying with goes to some quite extreme efforts to try and get around the food issues, like one of the grandfathers organic farms and raises grass fed beef and animals high on a mountain far away where there is no pollution...and it took the father 2 days drive to bring it to Beijing for his family ( freezing it).

We've choosen to do just the best we can with these issues while here, but I do have concerns about China in this area and what it teaches us all about taking care of our food.

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