Paris - Sunset Picnic at the Louvre: Budget luxury
November 05, 2012
Who says you can't have luxury on a low budget? It's truly a total myth that travel has to be expensive and we prove that daily on our 7 years of non-stop travel on $23/day pp. It really is all about perception on what exactly luxury and freedom are. If there is a will, there is always a way.
Find a cheap flight, do slow travel, stay in a nice but cheap location even in Paris, always eat well and cheaply in Europe like locals by making much of your own food and having picnics ...all keys and much easier than most make it out to be. Keep the focus on getting the maxium pleasure out of the lowest costs and not wasting money on unnecessary frills.
What could be more luxurious and romantic than a picnic in Paris with family or friends? Priceless! Most of the best things about travel are free.
What is your best budget tip for Europe or favorite place for a picnic?
Who says you can't have luxury on a low budget? It's truly a total myth that travel has to be expensive and we prove that daily on our 7 years of non-stop travel on $23/day pp. It really is all about perception on what exactly luxury and freedom are. If there is a will, there is always a way.
Find a cheap flight, do slow travel, stay in a nice but cheap location even in Paris, always eat well and cheaply in Europe like locals by making much of your own food and having picnics ...all keys and much easier than most make it out to be. Keep the focus on getting the maxium pleasure out of the lowest costs and not wasting money on unnecessary frills.
What could be more luxurious and romantic than a picnic in Paris with family or friends? Priceless! Most of the best things about travel are free.
What is your best budget tip for Europe or favorite place for a picnic?
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Often I like to come read your blog because I want to live vicariously through you! I can't wait until we can travel like this, even for just a year. I wish there was a way for us to do it permanently like you. Maybe we'll find a way.
I'm a list person...easy to find info and follow. In your book: perhaps a list of 'Budget Luxury' to give inspiration as to how you can enjoy where you are without sending lots. I know you have little bits of this throughout your blogs, but as I said, I'm a list person. It just might be nice to have a list to go to for reference.
I have a friend who actually has a list of free or cheap things to do here in Victoria, Canada (so that she doesn't always spend money). I think that would be a good idea for me too.
Thanks again for such a great blog!
Posted by: Amanda S | November 13, 2012 at 01:56 PM