Visiting China and Dragons
November 08, 2012

"Change is a dragon - ride it and transform." Now we visit China, our 45th country on 5 continents of our open ended world tour. What shall we learn together?
The Dragon is a major symbol of good fortune in Chinese Astrology,
considered one of the luckiest animals and symbolizes strength, power,
virtue, harmony and longevity. It is considered a great honor by the
Chinese to be born in the year of the Dragon and is considered the most
special sign and is sometimes called the karmic sign.
If you ignore the dragon, it will eat you. If you try to confront the
dragon it will overpower you. If you ride the dragon, you will take
advantage of its might and power.
~ A Chinese Proverb
I really
know very little about Chinese Astrology, but think it is interesting
that Mozart and I are both Dragons, visiting China for the first time in
a Dragon year. Just as it was interesting that my mother who is a
Rabbit, came to Asia to celebrate Chinese New Year with us last
year...which just happened to be the year of the Rabbit.
DaVinci is a Snake, so next year is the year of the Snake ( starting
around February) and we will all be celebrating that one in Asia too.
Hmmmm,coincidense? Funny where life leads us as these things were not planned. Do you know what your Chinese Astrology sign is?
By the time you read this post, we should be in China. We look forward to sharing our adventure into more Mandarin immersion and exploring China with you! What would you most like to know?
"Change is a dragon - ride it and transform." Now we visit China, our 45th country on 5 continents of our open ended world tour. What shall we learn together?
The Dragon is a major symbol of good fortune in Chinese Astrology, considered one of the luckiest animals and symbolizes strength, power, virtue, harmony and longevity. It is considered a great honor by the Chinese to be born in the year of the Dragon and is considered the most special sign and is sometimes called the karmic sign.
If you ignore the dragon, it will eat you. If you try to confront the dragon it will overpower you. If you ride the dragon, you will take advantage of its might and power.
~ A Chinese Proverb
I really know very little about Chinese Astrology, but think it is interesting that Mozart and I are both Dragons, visiting China for the first time in a Dragon year. Just as it was interesting that my mother who is a Rabbit, came to Asia to celebrate Chinese New Year with us last year...which just happened to be the year of the Rabbit.
And DaVinci is a Snake, so next year is the year of the Snake ( starting around February) and we will all be celebrating that one in Asia too.
Hmmmm,coincidense? Funny where life leads us as these things were not planned. Do you know what your Chinese Astrology sign is?
By the time you read this post, we should be in China. We look forward to sharing our adventure into more Mandarin immersion and exploring China with you! What would you most like to know?
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Hi Mum of Mozart,
I have read your blog sporadically over the last few years, and am trying to raise 2 children to be bilingual in Mandarin and English (currently I am doing University Mandarin as an external student). They can understand but spoken fluency isn't so good (neither is mine as I am only in 2nd year university) I wonder if Mozart's Malaysian school would be open to having overseas 'exchange' students who attend for 3-4 week blocks.
In the near future I would like to make trips to China to immerse myself and the children in Mandarin, once number 2 is a bit older (he is under 2 years), and will be following your trip with interest.
I am most interested in hearing about the logistics such a journey. So, it was interesting reading the Tourism Visa post, and I hope you'll be posting more on how you determined where you travelled to, what sort of accommodation and how you arranged it, if you made any links with schools or other locals etc.
Posted by: Chris | November 10, 2012 at 12:50 AM
this is a new begining. the China and friendly Chinese are waiting for your coming.
Posted by: winser zhao | December 09, 2012 at 06:02 AM