
China Family Vacation - Beauty, Love, Joy!

December 15, 2012

Beauty of China - astounding adventure travel

I must admit I was astounded by the beauty of China, it's people, traditions and hospitality. Some how I didn't expect that and probably would never have visited China if it wasn't for my child learning Mandarin. We had such a magical trip to China it still floods my consciousness with images and I've yet to even begin to share our Chinese adventure.

When we went to that famous old tea house in Shanghai, I got this quick glimpse as I looked into another room and thought this photo caught in a second, many of the nuances that helped China touch and open my heart...the people, the beauty, the rituals, the food, the tea, the architecture, the traditions, the colors.

Is China on your bucket list or have you been? What do you want to know?

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