
Best Chocolate Cake Recipe Ever and it's Paleo Healthy Grain Free

October 28, 2013

YUM! Mouth-watering delicious healthy chocolate cake - grain-free, gluten-free, paleo

This is truly the best chocolate cake in the world, plus it is healthy, gluten-free, grain-free and easy! Who could ask for anything more? Maybe a little bit of homemade healthy chocolate ice cream to go with it and some banana? Yum! It is so moist and rich it is a delight to luxuriously devour totally on it's own too.

delicious, easy  Chocolate cake -Paleo Healthy Grain and Gluten Free


We were all stunned at just how delicious this chocolate cake was..better than we have ever eaten ANY where! This was the first layered cake I ever made, so I was a bit nervous beforehand.  We are grateful to have a healthy, paleo version on our healing journey that tastes just as good and even better than less-healthy conventional chocolate cakes that are filled with bad fats, gluten and grains.


Out of all the delicious healthy recipes we have discovered, like fermented salsa, paleo pizza, goat cheese, healthy chips, fermented mayonaise, soda pop, bone broth and so much more, this is truly the gem among gems. You don't think of this as a substitute in ANY way, shape or form.

The only downside is the to-die-for frosting melts quite easily in tropical heat, but is fine as long as you keep it refrigerated and the cake is rich so lasts a long time refridgerated and stays delectable.

raw cacao for chocolate cake recipe


This is too sweet and indulgent for every day, as it has more fructose than we normally eat and cacao or chocolate is higher in phytic acid than we usually eat on our curing gum disease and cavities naturally diet.  Cacao (or chocolate) are one of those controversial ingredients  that some say are super healthy and others say not, but for a special occasion, this is the perfect, decadent splurge. It is even tame enough for my super sensitive tummy in small portions.

best, easy, healthy chocolate frosting recipe -  Paleo, Grain-free and Gluten Free


We sometimes use just the frosting for a little treat for Mozart, like we will on Halloween or any time she needs an extra special treat around friends splurging on junk food temptations. It can be made in minutes and popped into a little jar with a spoon to savor. Nice topping with frozen banana too and because it is uncooked,  it is even healthier than the cake.

gathering ingredients for healthy, easy, delish chocolate cake


1 Cup Coconut Flour

3/4 Cup Organic Raw Cacao Powder

3/4 Tsp Aluminum-free Baking Soda

3/4 Tsp Celtic Sea Salt

9 Pastured Eggs

3/4 Cup Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil

1 Cup Plus 2 TBLS Raw Honey

3/4 Cup Brewed Organic Coffee ( or water)

1 TBLS Organic Vanilla Extract

Parchment Paper to line pans



1) First preheat oven to 350 F

2) Grease pans and line pan bottoms with parchment paper

3) Combine coconut flour, organic cacao powder,  aluminum-free baking soda, celtic sea salt in a bowl and set aside

4) Whisk eggs, add coconut oil, honey, organic coffee, and organic vanilla and mix/combine

5) Add dry ingredients

6) Mix on low for 1 or 2 minutes ( I just do this by hand)

7) Pour into 2 greased, lined  pans, evenly divide batter between the two prepared pans. ( I have a tiny oven, so did these one at a time)

8) Bake at 350 F for 30-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

9) Let pans cool slightly, then remove and cool on a wire rack.

chocolate layer cake baking in the oven


1/2 Cup Organic Cold Pressed Coconut Oil

1/4 Cup Organic Raw, Unheated Honey

1 Tsp Organic Vanilla

3/4 Cup Organic Raw Cacao Powder

4 Tablespoons Coconut Milk

5 Oz ( or approximately 10 TBSP) Organic Raw Butter

1) Mix everything in a blender until smooth

2) Place first layer upside-down on a plate so the flat side is up. Then frost.

3) Place the second layer on top with the rounded side up. Frost  sides and top and sides.

4) Keep refrigerated

world's best chocolate cake and it's gluten free!

Voila! The world's best chocolate cake that will make even a non-cook like me look like a genius! This was my very first layer cake ever and my family is still raving about it and looking forward to the next one.

I will work on making the next one more picture-perfect prettier, but I was just thrilled that this turned out so great.

Doesn't it sound tempting? It's thrilling to discover you can have your healthy cake and eat it too!


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This recipe looks amazing. I'm going to give it a try.

I'm looking forward to your book on how you are healing your cavities.


Thanks so much for a unexpectedly yummy gluten free, grain free birthday cake! Our family's eating habits have been under construction for a while, and all of us are benefiting from being gluten free, but one of us can't have nuts! So, almond flour is out. This cake came to the rescue for hubby's birthday today! Moist, flavorful, chocolatey. We did a chocolate mint glaze instead of the frosting and it was a hit. Thank you!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks Gopika, it really is amazing, so I know you will love it!

I am still trying to find time to get the book finished...we have just been moving too fast to get it done.

Hard to juggle everything in life...but I will get it out as soon as I can.

We didn't expect the TV show and that has changed everything and educating a kid to prepare for Harvard now that she is 13 is more time consuming than when she was little.

Step by step, we get there. My health issues have improved greatly, but I also do not have my full energy back, so I have a fairly short window to get things done each day, until my energy just gives out and I need to rest.

The book is coming..just not sure when exactly.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

I am so happy to hear this Kristen!! It does make such a great birthday cake, doesn't it?

Happy belated birthday to your hubby!


Have you had a chance to try this recipe as cupcakes? I am interested to see if I would need to make any modifications to do this.

Thank you!


Hello there,

can't wait to try this...thankyou for sharing a yummy looking recipe :)

for health reasons i can't use honey...i use erythritol + stevia liquid drops.

Could you please tell me if i use my erythritol (similar to small sugar crystals) would i need to add more water to make up for the honey consistency?

sorry for this simple question..i'm not a great baker :-)



9 eggs??? is that right! Can see 3 in the pictures, going to try asap.

thanks for sharing.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Sorry Nicole, I haven't tried this with cupcakes yet, but seems like it should be possible.

I have made other recipes into cupcakes and didn't change them, so I wouldn't change this one.

Good luck and let me know how they turn out!!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Sorry, Sara, I really have no idea as I haven't tried that.

I have often substituted sugar etc with honey in MANY recipes and never had a I am guessing that your sub should work with this cake as well.

With subs, I think the only way to find out is to do it and see.

Good luck!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

That is right Dave, 9 eggs! I know it sounds like a lot, but it works! ;)

Sorry about the photo, I don't know why I don't have them all in that photo...maybe it just seemed too many to put in the photo at the time.


I realllly want to try this as I've been on a hunt to find a tested chocolate cake recipe made with coconut flour! But I need to veganize it, do you know if simply substituting the eggs with either Ener-G Egg Replacer or bananas or even some Vegetable Oil would work just as well? Thanks for your help!!

Tami Harris

Absolutely LOVED this cake!!! I change every recipe - this one I was so rushed I didn't! It was perfect!! 1st Birthday for my Grandson! No one knew it was gluten, dairy & refined sugar free. Delicious!!
Thank you

jeanne @soultravelers3

Sorry Maya, I am not really sure. Maybe try it with a small version and see. That is often what I do when I trying substitutions with recipes.

Good luck!

jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks Tami! So happy to hear this!! It really is a special isn't it? You made me want to make some right now! ;)

Kelly Renz

Great recipe! I was a little short on a couple of ingredients so I did 7 eggs and added 1/4 cup apple sauce. Also did 1/4 cup coconut oil and 1/2 cup butter. Very moist and tasty! Worked out great for cupcakes.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Happy to hear that Kelly! So appreciate you giving a report on a slight change and how well it worked!! Good to know!

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