
Change the world! Cambiar el Mundo! 改变世界! Adorable Video by Trilingual Mozart!

December 16, 2013

Changing the world one kid at a time!

I adore this amazing trilingual video and big goal of 13 year old Mozart to change the world, so just had to share it with you. I can't believe we pulled this together quickly the morning before we left Asia,but we wanted to get it up for Mozart's service project and fundraiser with Pencils for Promise.

We were very honored that CEO, philanthropist and author Adam Braun asked us personally to participate in this amazing charity to build schools where they are so badly needed.

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Mandela

Every dollar goes to these kids and it is tax deductible, so thanks so much for helping Mozart help these kids living in poverty to build a much needed school. Together we really can change the world!

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