
Happy Holidays! Double Your Impact!

December 29, 2013

Mozart and the Soultravelers3 on Christmas 2013

Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season! It was well worth the 35 plus hours, 2 taxis, 4 long plane rides with mucho turbulance, 1 air rail, 2 hour rental-car ride, 2 lost pieces of luggage ( eventually found after over a week)  to finally come home to California for Christmas!

What a tender and sweet time to be with family as we enjoy the simple pleasures of cooking/baking together, walking on the beach, sharing stories, decorating trees with lots of hugs and laughter.

Mozart walking on the beach in California with her 86 year old Grandmother ( who naturally still has dark hair)

After a couple of years of mostly tropical weather in Asia, it actually feels magnificent to enjoy the crisp, cool, sunny California days and wear sweaters again. What a joy too to be back in a country where there are crosswalks and overflowing health food stores.

In some ways it feels like the USA is the most foreign of foreign countries for us ( we are clueless in handling smart phones or cable TV's with endless channels...though Mozart quickly leads at this), yet in other ways, it sometimes feels like we never left on our world tour as we easily assimilate back to our old American ways.

Mozart doing Chirstmas baking (healthy paleo treats) with her Aunt in Callifornia


Please don't forget Mozart's fundraiser to help the kids living in deep poverty. Thanks to a generous donor, ALL donations made to Mozart's POP fundraising page on Monday, 12/30 will be matched dollar for dollar. WOW! Click here and do it now!

We are asking each of you to donate $5.00 to Mozart's fundraiser within the next 24 hours. Then our call to action is for you to ask 10 friends to do the same. Mozart would reach her goal in no time and these kids would have a school and a successful shot at life!

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" - Mandela

Help Mozart change the world one kid at a time! Thanks so much and blessings of love, light, peace, health and abundance to you and yours!

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