
Celebrating Mothers!

May 11, 2014

  Celebrating mothers!

Happy Mother's Day! How are you celebrating?

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and Mozart kissing in Cinque Terre, Italy

Or should we celebrate mothers and that nurturing/mothering part inside each of us EVERY day?

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and daughter in Paris at the Eiffel Tower

"If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do well matters very much"- Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and daughter in Provence, France

I couldn't agree more with Ms. Onassis on this topic and as older parents, our primary purpose in life is to create heaven on earth together and raise one child well.

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and Mozart having tea in Shanghai

When we each give our best to our child, we help create a better world.

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and daughter swimming on the Caldera in Santorini, Greece

"The family is the foundation of society. Love is the foundation of the family. God is the foundation of love." - John Roger

Celebrating Mothers! Very pregnant mom in garden waiting for Mozart

I almost didn't get this miracle of motherhood, so feel blessed even for those years of struggle/loss and all it taught me about the great privilege of being a mother.

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and daughter in London

Once Mozart was here, I just didn't want to miss a minute of my miracle baby, this most prayed for gift that I named more than a decade before she was born ( given to me in meditation) and it was part of our wedding vows and reason for marriage.

Celebrating Mothers! Swimming in Italy

We sacrificed much, gave up things like our dream home, to have more TIME with her. By giving to her, we all gained immensely.

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and daughter in the hospital after surgery in Austria

I feel our relationship began long before I got pregnant and she looks exactly like she appeared in my dreams decades ago.

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and daughter in Granada, Spain

A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no  law, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path." Agatha Christie

Celebrating Mothers! Simple pleasures like mom braiding hair in Asia

As I write this, my dear sweet younger cousin (  who was named after me and the flower girl at our wedding in a forest 23 years ago)  has had quite the struggle on her journey to motherhood and will deliver her twins 4 weeks early on Monday morning, May 12th.

Celebrating Mothers! Mozart at 5 months old with Mom

Please keep them in your prayers!

Her mother ( who lost her mother at 7 and then her step-mother at 12) is one of the most loving people on the planet and is like an older sister to me. She just retired as a nurse, so has been able to be a great support to her youngest daughter through this process.

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and daughter in Paris

She is the youngest of 7 kids in a close knit family and my mother is the oldest and we grew up a block apart. Nuturiing and caregiving is part of our family legacy, as four of my aunts are nurses and I was too. This was the aunt who God sent to my mother on the night her beloved husband passed away from cancer and she with another dear aunt nursed a brother who had a stroke for years (on top of their full time jobs and families).

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and daughter at the Grand Canyon

She was one of my first teachers about the stength of loving, compassion and the healing affect of laughter and joy. So many happy memories of her in my childhood and then visiting with her creative girls, loving playing and talking with them over the years. 

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and daughter in an Arabian bath in Andalusia

Her eldest daughter got married when Mozart was 4 and it was her first wedding, so she addored it and it has become part of our RTW life as watching that video on home movie nights keeps us all connected to extended family.

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and child in France

Or waving to them via Skype video when they visit my mom on holidays.

Celebrating Mothers! Child and mother in Xi'an, China on silk road

We have a family prayer list going, as my cousin has been in the hospital and bedridden for most of this pregnancy and I have put them on our church prayer list regularly as well as keeping them in our daily prayers.

Celebrating Mothers! Mum and child in the Cottswolds, England

I am a big believer in the power of prayer and positive visualization, so hope you can join in sending some blessings and sweet vibes to this new mother-to-be and family about to enter into the sacred journey of motherhood and family via the preemie road and NICU ( scheduled for at least a month) route. May it be filled with Grace!

Celebrating Mothers! Brugge, Belgium

I salute all you wonderful mothers out there and all the struggles you have surmounted on your motherhood journeys.

Celebrating Mothers! Mom doing braids at the beach in the South of France

I give great gratitude and praise that I come from a long line of good, strong mothers that passed that loving torch down through the ages with a legacy of love that sustains us. DaVinci has that on his side as well with the typical Spanish focus on the importance of family.

" I sustain myself with the love of family."- Maya Angelou

Celebrating Mothers! Mother and child hking Ireland

The strength of our little family and the loving mothering forces from our extended family at home, is what has allowed us to live this travel lifestyle.

Celebrating Mothers! Key West, Florida

Already, I see that strength and loving/nurturing ability in Mozart, as she works with her students or plays with kids around the world, so I know that loving strength will continue long after I pass. Nothing is more reassuring to a mom.

Celebrating Mothers! Mom and daugher at a luxury spa in Dallas

My baby is growing fast, so I hope to make the most out of these teen years of mothering!

A mother's treasure is her daughter.  ~Catherine Pulsifer

What do you celebrate about mothering and what have you learned in the process?

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I prayed that your cousin will have a safe delivery and have a great time with her newborn twins:)
For mothers day, I made pancakes for my mom and I drew her a card. Every year, my brother signs my card, although he doesn't take any part in drawing or writing it. LOL:) I don't mind it that much, though. Happy Mother's Day!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks so much for your prayers Abby! ♥ I do believe in the power of prayer and I am grateful for all the prayers we got from our church and people on FB who prayed for my cousin and twins.

All went well and Mozart is thrilled to have 2 beautiful new cousins named Lilah Hope and Quinn Faith!! ♥

You should see the photos..they are adorable! Please keep them in your prayers this month as they are hooked up to a lot of tubes to give them support.

Sounds like you are a wonderful daughter that your mother must be very proud of! ♥

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