
Make a Splash! Water Park Summer Fun for Families!

August 13, 2014

 Water Park Summer Fun for Families!

Looking for an affordable family vacation this summer? Head to the nearest water park where you can splash, dive, tube and squeal with delight enjoying a supreme beat-the-heat venue for kids and teens.

 Water Park Summer Fun for kids and teens

13 year old Mozart has explored water parks in Florida, California, Jordan, Spain, Malaysia, Italy, France, Holland, Portugal and more. This started when she was 4, so no matter the age, it is always a hit.

Mozart with angel wings

This latest water park was in DFW area where she joined a large homeschool teen group with kids her age to enjoy a little "socialization".

 Water Park Summer Fun for teens

They all had a blast ( as did the little brothers and sisters and parents).

 Water Park Summer - girls just want to hae fun

Texas gets hot in the summer, so this was the perfect place for teens to gather for outdoor fun.

 Water Park Summer Fun for Families!

Every week they meet in different locations, but this was Mozart's favorite so far.

 Water Park  Fun

Even just waiting your turn to go down one of the slides, was entertaining....

 Water Park Summer Fun - Mozart on the water slide

...but nothing beats the big slides!

 Water Park family fun

Chatting at the snack table in the cabana was fun ( although tempting for Mozart who doesn't eat junk food and is on a special diet to cure cavities ) ...

 Water Park Summer Fun- tubing the river

...but not as fun as floating around the long "river".

 Water Park Summer aquatic park with teens

Of course, just hanging out with friends..

teen BFF's summer splash at the pool

was a highlight for Mozart and the other teens.

 Water Park Summer Fun

A lazy day hanging with friends in water...

teens having fun at the water park a perfect hot-summer-day treat that will make every family member happy. This one took place at the new Euliss Aquatic Center and was only 2 dollars for Mozart to enjoy a full day of fun. Can't beat that!

Do you have a favorite water park?

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