
Best of Europe: Summer Trip

May 18, 2017

Best of Europe: Summer Trip like this best beach in costa brava

There is no where in the world quite like Europe in the summer and this year might be the best year ever to visit. Wonderful beaches, charming, picturesque villages, amazing, diverse, historical cities... Mozart and I can't wait to go back to some of our favorite places, see old friends, discover new places and experience her doing a pop music tour after her Keynote Speech in Newcastle


Best of Europe: Summer Trip

We love London and will be doing a concert there and lots of exploring. Mozart spent most of her primary years in Europe and can do a perfect ,authentic British accent, so it will be fun to get to see it all  as a teen now. 


Best of Europe: Summer Trip - Paris Notre dame

Paris, of course will be on the agenda as it is another city we love and have spent lots of time in. Summer is my favorite time to be in this City of Light. 



We've been to Barcelona over 20 times, often for long stays, so it is like another home for us, thus we will be spending time there with friends along with some time in the Costa Brava ( shown in the first photo). 


Edinburgh Fringe Festival

We're looking forward to seeing Edinburgh again as it is near the beautiful Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art where Mozart will be the Keynote Speaker and giving a concert. The last time we were there we enjoyed the famous Edinburgh Festival and we have Scottish roots so feel that tug. 



Of course, we can not miss our beloved Andalusia where we wintered for 5 years and the 6th year we returned after a trip around the world. Mozart went to school there from 1st through 4th grade before we headed to Asia for Mandarin immersion, so it will be exciting to be back and she will perform concerts in a few places while there. So happy Mozart will have time to immerse in her might not even realize she is an English speaker when she is here. 


  Provence, France


Another beloved region that we will be visiting is Provence which we have explored many times over the years. This time we will be visiting a few new places and a few we have seen before. 

With all that is going on in our world now, I think it is an important time to travel abroad as it expands our hearts and minds. What travel are you planning this year? 



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Robyn D

So exciting, love hearing about your travels. Taking care of my dad, so travel is limited right now. Planning a 2 week trip to the Midwest, where he grew up, this year. Maybe a few short trips a year if that goes well.

Izy Berry

No plans just yet but building the list and doing research is half the fun ;) I just read about your trip to Provence, looking forward to reading about Paris the most!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Sounds smart Izy! Planning is fun and important. Tons of info on Paris on this blog, but more coming soon from our latest trip. We love Paris!!

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