

Please feel free to donate any amount to keep this site going, even a small amount goes a long way with our tight budget existence. So many have asked us to write a book and we will, but that is going to take a while and in the meantime we put a lot of hours into this site. It has become a bigger job than we expected, so if it has any value to you, any size donation would be greatly appreciated.

Another way you might want to help is by purchasing items from the venders advertising on our site . If you click on a link on this website to a company and purchase anything from them, we will get a small percentage of the sale.

I have been listing books from the beginning of the trip, but now I have a place to write reviews of those that we like and it is easy to purchase them through Amazon this way with just a click. Hopefully, that will be useful to you and us!

We appreciate your consideration.

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