
Family Travel Ireland: Exploring Roots

July 28, 2011

exploring roots in Ireland, traditional farm and horses Kilarney

The romance of old Ireland can still be found today and makes the Emerald Isle a wonderful choice for family travel. Like so many Americans, we have genetic roots in Ireland. We loved the popular  Ring of Kerry in Killarney National Park where they have traditional farms and gardens at the 19th century Muckross House that is like an open air museum with natives reenacting the lifestyle.

We enjoyed touring all around Ireland in Blarney, Killarney, Dingle, Rock of Cashel and have so much more  yet to tell. We started in a very dramatic and stressful way due to a car wreck on route to Ireland from France, but everything eventually worked out

Don't you love those big horses? What are your favorite memories of Ireland? Or is it on your list?

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I just stumbled upon your blog--what a great find! I'm so envious of your round the world trip, I can't think of a more incredible experience for a little one. I come from Irish blood but have never made it there--it's definitely on my list though! Thanks for sharing--it's great to see pictures of the "homeland."

Sue Canfield

Ross Castle was one of our favorite spots. We loved the West of Ireland.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks so much Catie, welcome to our blog! ;) We certainly have enjoyed our travels so happy to share them. I think Ireland is a special treat for those with Irish heritage, but my husband is 100% Spanish heritage and he loved it too. ;)

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Good choices Sue! Lovely area, I think perhaps Dingle was our personal favorite..but we had so many it is hard to chose one.

Brock - 'Backpack with Brock'

LOVE the big horse.
Favourite memory would be dancing to a fiddle band in Temple Bar in Dublin, with a Guinness of course.

wandering educators

we LOVED ireland. such amazing beauty, and kind people. we spent most of our time in county kerry and loved it!

Mikayla B

Ireland is a great destination for families. Very easy terrain and lots of relics and such. But the castles are the biggest hits!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks Brock! Sounds like a great memory!! Since kidlet plays the violin ie fiddle, we really loved the music...especially in Dingle.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Jessie- I hear ya! The people are definitely one of Ireland's great assets. It was wonderful for us as we had not been around any English speakers for two years when we went.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Yes indeed Mikayla! We saw some great castles!!

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