
World's Best Christmas

December 21, 2012

world's best Christmas - home is where the heart is - making gingerbread house


 Is there a best place in the world to celebrate Christmas? As a world traveling family, we've been lucky enough to experience Christmas in many places from our First Christmas in Asia to White Christmas..sun and ski and Christmas in Costa del Sol in Spain. We'll never forget our first flamenco Christmas recital in Andalusia.


I've even written my best tips for How to Enjoy Family Travel Abroad at Christmas as well as ideas for Christmas travel getaway ideas and holiday travel to Europe. From tropical paradise on a budget to the not-to-be-missed Christmas markets in Europe, there are endless choices.

Whether one is Home for the holidays or any place in the world, what makes it the best Christmas in the world is really your state of mind. We've manage to have a magical Christmas no matter where we are.

christmas helper in the kitchen - cooking with auntie


Christmas is about family, so we really loved it last year where we got to be home for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Unfortunately, I was not well, but we managed to still enjoy the time with extended family. The good news about family travel, is we always have our family with us and we can always join extended family via Skype webcam calls.

yum! Christmas dinner and mashed potatoes!


Little things like enjoying my Mom's and Sister's special foods and making cookies and treats with aunties make it in the running for the best in the world.

candy cane lane christmas lights

Looking at all the lights can be fun no matter where you are. Even in countries where they don't celebrate Christmas there seems to be lots of lights and decorations. Of course, nothing is quite like an American Candy Cane Lane, so we're happy Mozart got to see that again.

christmas duet with girls on violin and cello

Spending time with friends, with our Church, service projects and sharing music is always important to our Christmas celebrations no matter where we are. Lucky for us we have a lot available to us online with our church and friends that like to Skype call.


What is your idea of best Christmas in the world?

"Christmas is not a time nor a season,but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real sprit of Christmas. " Coolidge

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Suzzane from Travel Universally

I feel motivated for my Christmas. I am planning to celebrate my christmas with my GrandParents and mom and dad rather than being with friends!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Sounds like a great plan Suzzane! Happy Holidays!!

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