
Raw Milk Fast and Cure

April 11, 2013

raw milk cure and fasting

Did you know a raw milk cure for many severe diseases was made popular by  Mayo Clinic founder, Dr. J. R. Crewe M.D.? We have been drinking raw goats milk, plus making raw goats milk kefir as part of our using diet to cure cavities protocol ( with bone broth,  avoiding phytic acid and other things) along with my goals to improve my health and lose my excess weight permanently.

"Goat milk is one of the secrets of living a longer life" Dr. Oz

It is working well for us and I wll be writing more about this. I am happy that we just found a great and open minded M.D. here who is willing and excited to work with us on this and help with tracking blood work results. She has been a leader in using probiotics for 12 years with great results with her patients, but was not familiar with much of the research that I shared with her, but open to learning together.

Somewhat by accident we have been doing a semi raw milk fast and mainly eating just one meal lately as the raw milk and kefir and cheese etc, are all very filling. Raw milk fasts have become very popular on healthy food type blogs lately as many people find that it works for them.

A cup of delicious, healing raw goats milk

Dr. Crewe's "real milk cure" consisted of drinking vast quantities of raw, unpasteurized milk, plus fasting and bed rest. The results he wrote, "have been so uniformly excellent that one's concept of disease and its alleviation is necessarily changed."


If I had access to my own grass fed animal I would do a full raw milk fast cure as I have been quite fascinated with the various stories in cybespace from people doing that, but at the moment I can't put that much money into raw milk, so we do our mini fast. Not to fast, but to use the raw milk as a cure and it seems to work for us so far ( about 2 months into it).

Here are some of the fascinating stories including the woman who healed  herself of severe Lime disease:

The Milk Cure for Healing Lyme Disease

30 Day Raw Milk Fast

The Milk Cure 2012

33 LB. Loss in 6 Weeks on Raw Milk Fast

23 Day Milk Fast

Raw Milk Fast

My Raw Milk Diet Cure Experiment

Milk Cure

The Raw Milk Diet

Benefits of Raw Milk - another M.D.'s perspective

Excellent Summary- real milk vs industrial milk

4 Weeks on Raw Milk & Kefir

There are many more stories, but these will give you a taste.Looking for more? Bernarr Macfadden wrote The Miracle of Milk  a  how-to book ( free)  on curing chronic diseases with milk as did Charles Sanford Porter in The Milk Diet and Goat Milk Magic, by Dr. Bernard Jensen is another amazing testimonial.

What do you think?

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I'd been looking into this lately, researching many of the items that you are currently using - bone broth etc. I am overwhelmed by the information but hoping to start soon.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

I so understand, Anne, it is overwhelming at first, as there is so much information about health and diet and much of it is conflicting.

I was on a low fat, whole grain and whole food diet for years using things like Canola oil, never realizing that I could be harming myself, but rather thinking I was making healthy choices.

The good news with my health journey is it has made me research deeply into food and health...and I continue to do that.

I don't think there is any one way for every person, but I just try and share what has or is working for us.

I wish I had known lots of this stuff a long time ago, so I hope it helps others.

I figure I might as well link to some of the good things I find to help others who are researching or looking for answers and it also helps others understand where I am coming from.

My new M.D. wasn't aware of the research I sent her so she understood why I was requesting certain blood work, but once she read it, she could see there was logical reason to it.

Much of what I have learned has turned my thinking around 180% so that has opened my mind even more.

2 years ago I never would have guessed we'd be making and using our own DIY cheap deodorant, shampoo etc or eating raw eggs and raw milk etc etc.

These things have worked for us, so we keep heading in the direction that works and pass it on in case it can help others.

If you are interested in this for cavities cure, this is another good post on that topic:

Good luck and just take it one step at a time, I think. ;)


Thanks. I'll check out the links as well. I am definitely still researching everything due to a mysterious rash that appeared on my hand (over histamine production, i guess) and now my forearms.

Tell me this, how much raw milk do you consume per day? Mostly I ask because it's really dear. Not that it matters if it helps but I'm just curious what is working for you.

Jeanne @soultravelers3

So sorry to hear about your troubles Anne, sorry I don't have any experience with that condition.

I drink about 4 cups a day and half of that is in Kefir just as I wake up and right before bed. The other two I let warm up to room temp ( kefir is at room temp too and freshly made) and sip slowly allowing it to mix with saliva in my mouth in the morning before I eat anything else. ( I read that somewhere so we try to do that to help the benefits).

I wish I could take more, but it is expensive and we are on a tight budget.

I don't have any idea if it will help, but you could look into Pergue which is a top notch supplement of BioQercentin. It is just a flavanoid but a powerful one in my experience and I thought of it because of your mention of "histamine ".

I use it for stomach issues, but I've read where it helps with many things including skin problems:[tt_news]=233&cHash=da03e20e36

If you can find others online that are dealing with a similar problem, that can be useful.

I couldn't find anyone dealing with my mystery condition, but even learned a lot from people dealing with some what similar digestive issues. ie I don't have Chrones or Celiac etc, but have learned from some who have cured those conditions.

Also thought of another product we use that may or may not be a help to you and worth looking at...Something called Del-immune V.

I am no medical expert of course, just passing on possibilities to look into.

One of the things that helps me most is NAC

I stumbled upon it by reading two different doctors who recommended it ( one for leaky gut and one for biofilm problems).

It was cheap and I read lots of good things about it, so thought why not and I think it has been the most useful supplement I take.

I have no idea if this will be any help to you, but just passing it on as another possible thing to look into and research more on these things if they resonate with you.

Good luck!


I hate going to the dentist because I'm always afraid I'll need a filling. I'll be waiting to see if you have success with this.


Where are you home-based right now? Just found your blog. Am preparing to hit the road full-time in about 6 months, the hardest part being giving up my ready supply of raw milk, my goats. We will be in Viet Nam for our 1st 2 months or so, then back to the states for??? Until we save up enough to head back overseas for a while. Would love suggestions on continuing a healthy diet on the road.


Hi mrsd! Sorry, I just saw your comment...I am mostly off line these days.

It is VERY tough finding SAFE, good raw milk in Asia. If you look you can find some in the markets, but most are not obtained in safe ways, so I wouldn't drink it.

Sadly, some have actually died in Asia from drinking raw milk, so one has to be informed and look closely at the supplier.

I have no idea what is available in Viet Nam, but I couldn't find ANY goat milk in China.

Asians don't tend to be milk drinkers and often deal with lactose intolerance.

The Indian community in Malaysia is more milk as it is part of their traditions.

That said, the Chinese Malaysians tend to be well read and they seem to be the biggest consumers of the raw goat milk in Penang ( as well as the organic food).

Raw goat milk and raw goat milk kefir can usually be tolerated and helpful to those who are lactose intolerant and many have read about the benefits.

Since they are into TCM, they know food can be used for healing.

You will definitely have to modify how you do things in Asia compared to North America, but it is doable.

We've got a good system going here:

Good luck!

Roger Tatman

Over 3 years ago I was eventually (after chiropractic sessions, xray, lower back injection, MRI, exams from 2 other Dr's and finally an MRI with contrast) diagnosed with bilater avascular necrosis of both femors and a right hip fracture that would require hip replacements. A 30 day bedfast diet of 1.5 gal a day of raw milk began the healing of my hips and today I can lift or carry my 29 year old handicapped son as well as anytime in the past

Jeanne @soultravelers3

WOW!! That is an amazing testimonial. Make sure you let people know on the internet as I am sure others are looking for such a cure.

Thanks so much for sharing!!

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