Grand Canyon Family Adventure
February 06, 2014

A Grand Canyon family adventure with it's ravishing visual beauty, incredible geological treasures and spectacular sweeping panoramas will impress young and old. There is just too much to tell and show in one post, so I will be writing much more about this first stop on our Southwest winter road trip traveling some of historic Route 66 in four states.

Five million people visit the Grand Canyon every year from around the world and I wanted to make sure our most well=traveled kid got a chance to see this amazing world wonder and sacred place.

Even full time world travelers like us, have trouble getting every place in, as the world is big with endless delights to discover, but we do our best and are happy to be doing more traveling in the USA.

The Grand Canyon has been a family travel favorite since our great-grandfather's day when most arrived by train as chronicled in Judy Garland's movie , The Harvey Girls.
We were blessed to be hosted by the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel and the Kachina Lodge, both amazing and very family friendly places I will write more about. Waking up to a panoramic Grand Canyon sunrise on the rim from your bed? Priceless!

I have written before about how to avoid crowds when traveling, and the secret to that at the Grand Canyon is WHEN you go. It is most crowded in the summer ( when I first saw it many years ago), but in January we had it almost all to ourselves.

As you can see, we ran into gorgeous, sunny weather which was even quite warm for winter and during the heat of the day, we only needed a long sleeve shirt, although our down jackets were handy when the sun went down or early morning.

We talked to visitors who had visited before in October when it was fogged in and August when it rained, and I remember the heat and crowds during my first visit in the summer season, so felt blessed to see the Canyon at it's most beautiful.

The blanket of snow left from the week before just added to the charm for Mozart who didn't miss a chance to play in it and give thanks for this opportunity.

The Grand Canyon National Park is huge and emcompasses 1.2 million acres. The Canyon is 27 miles long and averages 10 miles wide.

The unique architecture and native American history of the Hopi House, Look Out Studio ( built in 1905 by Mary Jane Colter) and the El Tovar ( also built in 1905 by Charles Whittlesey), as well as Verkamp's Visitor Center, added greatly to our learning adventure.

The Grand Canyon should be a must-see on every travelers bucket list and perhaps even more so if you travel with kids and can use it as a worldschool or homeschool educational field trip. Lots more photos and details coming to help you plan your own trip or do some arm chair travel!
ncredible geological treasures
ncredible geological treasure
A Grand Canyon family adventure with it's ravishing visual beauty, incredible geological treasures and spectacular sweeping panoramas will impress young and old. There is just too much to tell and show in one post, so I will be writing much more about this first stop on our Southwest winter road trip traveling some of historic Route 66 in four states.
Five million people visit the Grand Canyon every year from around the world and I wanted to make sure our most well=traveled kid got a chance to see this amazing world wonder and sacred place.
Even full time world travelers like us, have trouble getting every place in, as the world is big with endless delights to discover, but we do our best and are happy to be doing more traveling in the USA.
The Grand Canyon has been a family travel favorite since our great-grandfather's day when most arrived by train as chronicled in Judy Garland's movie , The Harvey Girls.
We were blessed to be hosted by the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel and the Kachina Lodge, both amazing and very family friendly places I will write more about. Waking up to a panoramic Grand Canyon sunrise on the rim from your bed? Priceless!
I have written before about how to avoid crowds when traveling, and the secret to that at the Grand Canyon is WHEN you go. It is most crowded in the summer ( when I first saw it many years ago), but in January we had it almost all to ourselves.
As you can see, we ran into gorgeous, sunny weather which was even quite warm for winter and during the heat of the day, we only needed a long sleeve shirt, although our down jackets were handy when the sun went down or early morning.
We talked to visitors who had visited before in October when it was fogged in and August when it rained, and I remember the heat and crowds during my first visit in the summer season, so felt blessed to see the Canyon at it's most beautiful.
The blanket of snow left from the week before just added to the charm for Mozart who didn't miss a chance to play in it and give thanks for this opportunity.
The Grand Canyon National Park is huge and emcompasses 1.2 million acres. The Canyon is 27 miles long and averages 10 miles wide.
The unique architecture and native American history of the Hopi House, Look Out Studio ( built in 1905 by Mary Jane Colter) and the El Tovar ( also built in 1905 by Charles Whittlesey), as well as Verkamp's Visitor Center, added greatly to our learning adventure.
The Grand Canyon should be a must-see on every travelers bucket list and perhaps even more so if you travel with kids and can use it as a worldschool or homeschool educational field trip. Lots more photos and details coming to help you plan your own trip or do some arm chair travel!
ncredible geological treasures
ncredible geological treasure
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I went last May and hiked three fourths down. It was a bit too hot, but not overly so, and I would not try it in the winter in case I got caught in the dark, it would be way too cold. I just was not prepared for the dry heat.
Posted by: Marlana | February 06, 2014 at 07:54 PM
Cool Marlana and good for you! Mozart and her father did a lot of hiking in the canyon, but didn't go that far down.
Mules go to the bottom all year, so we considered that, but decided against that due to our time frame and other stops coming up.
People hike it in all seasons, but as their website says:
"Travel in Grand Canyon National Park’s backcountry has inherent risks and involves unavoidable hazards. Your safety depends upon your judgment, your experience, and a realistic assessment of your abilities."
The high temps in Jan in the inner canyon is 56 and in May it is 92 and 106 in July!
I've read that the Canyon at the bottom is much warmer and as I said, it was quite warm on top when we were there. That said, it got cold when the sun went down and Mozart and her dad had to do some of their hiking after dark as they went on one quite far out to see the sunset.
This is why I watched the sunrise from my bed! LOL
Posted by: jeanne @soultravelers3 | February 07, 2014 at 11:26 AM
I love the Grand Canyon and have been several times. I've been once in April, it was snowy on the rim and comfortably warm the further I hiked down (about halfway). I would love to go all the way down and camp... but as you say, so many places to see!! The North Rim is equally beautiful, maybe even more so...
Posted by: Anne | February 08, 2014 at 02:10 PM
Never been to the Grand Canyon, but it is sooooo on my wish list! One day I'll get there. Your pics are beautiful and make me want to go there even more!
Posted by: Sheralyn | February 08, 2014 at 05:10 PM
Anne...oh sounds so lovely! Now you have me tempted to see the North Rim next!
Posted by: Jeanne @soultravelers3 | February 08, 2014 at 08:08 PM
So happy you enjoyed the photos Sheralyn! You will indeed get there some day and you will love it!!
Posted by: Jeanne @soultravelers3 | February 08, 2014 at 08:10 PM
Cool post. By any chance, are you visiting Montana?
Posted by: Rod Austin | February 09, 2014 at 11:03 PM
Thanks Rod! We'd love to visit Montana and it's been on our wish list for a while.
Contact me if you have ideas!
Posted by: Jeanne @soultravelers3 | February 10, 2014 at 07:57 AM