Mozart Dee is Heavenly Reyna!! No More MuzicbyMozart!
December 15, 2019
Goodbye Mozart Dee, hello Heavenly Reyna! Singer, songwriter & actress Heavenly Reyna has big news to start the new year and new decade! Watch her video on her Instagram & hear her explain it in her own words. See her travel life, growing up as a global trilingual in 30 seconds, getting ready to change the world with her music and acting. She has a lead in two movies, one where she is singing 5 of her songs & pilot coming out in 2020 as well as releasing two new songs and music videos.
Heavenly got the nickname of "Mozart" when she was 5 months old. She was a very early walker and talker, walking at 6 months and talking in three syllable words in two languages at 6 months and she taught herself to read at two. At 3 months she was crawling everywhere and at 9 months she was running everywhere, so a handful to keep up with ( but that energy later became handy when we walked all over Europe when she was 5.)
Luckily, we have a photo of that moment of her standing at 5 months old in the center of the room, clapping in her MusicTogether baby class!
Heavenly was the youngest in the class, but most active by far. The other wonderful babies in the photo ( and class) were eight and nine months old. They were not crawling or standing or moving yet, which is normal development. Heavenly never had normal development and literally made doctors gasp as a baby and toddler as she should not have been able to do what she did and the doctors said they had never seen it before! She was on her own track from the beginning. She only weighed 12 pounds at a year old, so didn't weigh much at 5 months here, but she was strong, super active, determined and already loved music!
Heavenly was so excited by this song & guitar that she crawled to the center of the room, stood up and started clapping in time to the music! The other mothers were stunned and started calling her "Mozart" and that just kept up for the length of that class and more. The nickname stuck. Little did we ever suspect then, that "Mozart" would become her name "online" for over a decade!
In this photo of Heavenly in Paris practicing her violin in front of our camper on the early days of our round the world travels, (or below in a Parisian chocolate shop), you can see how young she was when she choose to use "Mozart" as her pseudonym for our blog and everything online.
Of course, she didn't understand, nor did any of us then, that she would need to keep that name for the next 13 years! We were pioneers in the digital nomad travel lifestyle ( case studies in Tim Ferriss's book 4HourWork Week) and were just making it up as we went along.
Just like our old camper ( that we still have in storage in Barcelona) as you see Heavenly here above practicing her piano and taking lessons on Skype (which was a brand new media then and we were pioneers in using it for music lessons etc), things have changed drastically since 2005/2006 when we made this decision. I think we were very lucky we did make that decision to give her privacy as social media & digital access has grown exponentially as there were not even iPhones then, nor wifi everywhere. Many said we were insane to do the travel and also to bring along a full size digital piano in a very small camper, but we followed our hearts and instincts.
As Heavenly got into her tween & teen years, using "Mozart" became a bigger challenge because she was getting work as a singer and actress and she also could not share her real name with too many people and kids her age, because many were on social media, so would want to call her Heavenly online if they knew her real name. Life got tricky having two names in the digital age.
Usually when actors or singers change their names, they are young adults like Bruno Mars, Halsey or Lady Gaga did, but Heavenly's name route was purely accidental. Some say she is the first to change her stage name to her real name! Instead of giving her more privacy, it gives her less now for the rest of her life, loses all her brand equity online, but also lets her claim her real identity.
First Heavenly was singing and songwriting and then she got her first lead in a movie at 14 because a casting director happen to see her at a singing performance and she aced the audition process. She had not planned to do acting, but it was a great experience so she fell in love with acting and even won awards already for her acting and singing. Young actors are encouraged to use stage names to protect their privacy, so she continued with Mozart.
From performing at barely six in the Sahara desert in Morocco to touring Europe singing & doing a TED talk and International Keynote speeches, the name Mozart has served Heavenly well and will always be a part of her. Tons of articles, photos and more about Mozart Dee, MuzicbyMozart and Mozart will remain online forever I suppose.
I am not sure really how it will work exactly, but already her IMDB page is showing up as Heavenly Reyna and not Mozart Dee and her past film/TV credits will go to Mozart Dee, but all future credits will go to Heavenly Reyna.
It is really a big adjustment to her, us and all her fans and work associates. Heavenly has wanted to do this for a long time and we started thinking a LOT about this once she turned 18 and when and how best to do it. There is never a perfect time to do this kind of thing and there will likely be bumps and challenges for a while as everyone adjusts. We lose privacy & much brand equity from all the press and the years online as Mozart, but she can finally fully claim her birth name and the name she loves and feels suits her the best.
Heavenly is a child I prayed for fervently for over a decade and had many heartbreaking miscarriages before her birth. Her father and I married after knowing each other only three months ( not something in either one of our natures), thinking she would show up immediately. We committed to "the soul we call Heavenly" in our marriage vows ten years before she was born.
I'd read about a tribe in Africa that dreams the name of their child before they are born and created a song for them to have for life, so I mediated on that for a while until I dreamt her name, Heavenly. When I told my mother about it, she told me I was crazy and that it was not a name. Nevertheless I framed the name and put it on the shelf with all the other grandchildren photos and told her she was coming ( ten years before that came true). Luckily, when I found my husband to be, he loved the name and started dreaming about her too.
We both always dreamt about our Heavenly as a cute little blond girl who looks much like she does.The odds were likely against that since he is 100% Hispanic and dark hair and eyes are dominant genes, but it didn't matter in our dreams. As the years went by as I gathered endless information about parenting, cute baby clothes, workshops on loss and no baby showing up, there were many lessons & much heartbreak. Friends, so use to hearing Heavenly's description over the years, bought us a gorgeous gift of a painting of a beautiful little baby girl with angel wings that looked like our Heavenly that I had been describing and long before she was conceived. ( See the photo above with Heavenly with the photo at about three).
I had pretty much given up when I got pregnant at 47 and gave birth to her at 48. She was the answer to my longest, deepest prayer, so Heavenly was indeed the perfect name and it suited her from the start. She was our miracle baby and that absolutely impacted our choices in raising her. She was never Mozart to us, as Heavenly is the only name that truly suits her.
Heavenly was born with a big head of black hair and blue eyes, so at first we thought she would be a brunette for life, but somewhere between 6 months and a year it started turning blonde, her eyes turned green and she started looking like the Heavenly that we had dreamt about.
Now in her late teens, Heavenly is giving herself the best Christmas present ever, reclaiming her name! Before her new movies come out in 2020 and new songs, it suddenly became the right time to take this leap of faith! May all of you have a wonderful holiday season and let's hope the new year and new decade be full of Heavenly surprises and joy!
Goodbye Mozart Dee, hello Heavenly Reyna! Singer, songwriter & actress Heavenly Reyna has big news to start the new year and new decade! Watch her video on her Instagram & hear her explain it in her own words. See her travel life, growing up as a global trilingual in 30 seconds, getting ready to change the world with her music and acting. She has a lead in two movies, one where she is singing 5 of her songs & pilot coming out in 2020 as well as releasing two new songs and music videos.
Heavenly got the nickname of "Mozart" when she was 5 months old. She was a very early walker and talker, walking at 6 months and talking in three syllable words in two languages at 6 months and she taught herself to read at two. At 3 months she was crawling everywhere and at 9 months she was running everywhere, so a handful to keep up with ( but that energy later became handy when we walked all over Europe when she was 5.)
Luckily, we have a photo of that moment of her standing at 5 months old in the center of the room, clapping in her MusicTogether baby class!
Heavenly was the youngest in the class, but most active by far. The other wonderful babies in the photo ( and class) were eight and nine months old. They were not crawling or standing or moving yet, which is normal development. Heavenly never had normal development and literally made doctors gasp as a baby and toddler as she should not have been able to do what she did and the doctors said they had never seen it before! She was on her own track from the beginning. She only weighed 12 pounds at a year old, so didn't weigh much at 5 months here, but she was strong, super active, determined and already loved music!
Heavenly was so excited by this song & guitar that she crawled to the center of the room, stood up and started clapping in time to the music! The other mothers were stunned and started calling her "Mozart" and that just kept up for the length of that class and more. The nickname stuck. Little did we ever suspect then, that "Mozart" would become her name "online" for over a decade!
In this photo of Heavenly in Paris practicing her violin in front of our camper on the early days of our round the world travels, (or below in a Parisian chocolate shop), you can see how young she was when she choose to use "Mozart" as her pseudonym for our blog and everything online.
Of course, she didn't understand, nor did any of us then, that she would need to keep that name for the next 13 years! We were pioneers in the digital nomad travel lifestyle ( case studies in Tim Ferriss's book 4HourWork Week) and were just making it up as we went along.
Just like our old camper ( that we still have in storage in Barcelona) as you see Heavenly here above practicing her piano and taking lessons on Skype (which was a brand new media then and we were pioneers in using it for music lessons etc), things have changed drastically since 2005/2006 when we made this decision. I think we were very lucky we did make that decision to give her privacy as social media & digital access has grown exponentially as there were not even iPhones then, nor wifi everywhere. Many said we were insane to do the travel and also to bring along a full size digital piano in a very small camper, but we followed our hearts and instincts.
As Heavenly got into her tween & teen years, using "Mozart" became a bigger challenge because she was getting work as a singer and actress and she also could not share her real name with too many people and kids her age, because many were on social media, so would want to call her Heavenly online if they knew her real name. Life got tricky having two names in the digital age.
Usually when actors or singers change their names, they are young adults like Bruno Mars, Halsey or Lady Gaga did, but Heavenly's name route was purely accidental. Some say she is the first to change her stage name to her real name! Instead of giving her more privacy, it gives her less now for the rest of her life, loses all her brand equity online, but also lets her claim her real identity.
First Heavenly was singing and songwriting and then she got her first lead in a movie at 14 because a casting director happen to see her at a singing performance and she aced the audition process. She had not planned to do acting, but it was a great experience so she fell in love with acting and even won awards already for her acting and singing. Young actors are encouraged to use stage names to protect their privacy, so she continued with Mozart.
From performing at barely six in the Sahara desert in Morocco to touring Europe singing & doing a TED talk and International Keynote speeches, the name Mozart has served Heavenly well and will always be a part of her. Tons of articles, photos and more about Mozart Dee, MuzicbyMozart and Mozart will remain online forever I suppose.
I am not sure really how it will work exactly, but already her IMDB page is showing up as Heavenly Reyna and not Mozart Dee and her past film/TV credits will go to Mozart Dee, but all future credits will go to Heavenly Reyna.
It is really a big adjustment to her, us and all her fans and work associates. Heavenly has wanted to do this for a long time and we started thinking a LOT about this once she turned 18 and when and how best to do it. There is never a perfect time to do this kind of thing and there will likely be bumps and challenges for a while as everyone adjusts. We lose privacy & much brand equity from all the press and the years online as Mozart, but she can finally fully claim her birth name and the name she loves and feels suits her the best.
Heavenly is a child I prayed for fervently for over a decade and had many heartbreaking miscarriages before her birth. Her father and I married after knowing each other only three months ( not something in either one of our natures), thinking she would show up immediately. We committed to "the soul we call Heavenly" in our marriage vows ten years before she was born.
I'd read about a tribe in Africa that dreams the name of their child before they are born and created a song for them to have for life, so I mediated on that for a while until I dreamt her name, Heavenly. When I told my mother about it, she told me I was crazy and that it was not a name. Nevertheless I framed the name and put it on the shelf with all the other grandchildren photos and told her she was coming ( ten years before that came true). Luckily, when I found my husband to be, he loved the name and started dreaming about her too.
We both always dreamt about our Heavenly as a cute little blond girl who looks much like she does.The odds were likely against that since he is 100% Hispanic and dark hair and eyes are dominant genes, but it didn't matter in our dreams. As the years went by as I gathered endless information about parenting, cute baby clothes, workshops on loss and no baby showing up, there were many lessons & much heartbreak. Friends, so use to hearing Heavenly's description over the years, bought us a gorgeous gift of a painting of a beautiful little baby girl with angel wings that looked like our Heavenly that I had been describing and long before she was conceived. ( See the photo above with Heavenly with the photo at about three).
I had pretty much given up when I got pregnant at 47 and gave birth to her at 48. She was the answer to my longest, deepest prayer, so Heavenly was indeed the perfect name and it suited her from the start. She was our miracle baby and that absolutely impacted our choices in raising her. She was never Mozart to us, as Heavenly is the only name that truly suits her.
Heavenly was born with a big head of black hair and blue eyes, so at first we thought she would be a brunette for life, but somewhere between 6 months and a year it started turning blonde, her eyes turned green and she started looking like the Heavenly that we had dreamt about.
Now in her late teens, Heavenly is giving herself the best Christmas present ever, reclaiming her name! Before her new movies come out in 2020 and new songs, it suddenly became the right time to take this leap of faith! May all of you have a wonderful holiday season and let's hope the new year and new decade be full of Heavenly surprises and joy!
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It feels so good when people start calling you by your real name! Congratulations Heavenly!!
Posted by: Lucretia | December 15, 2019 at 01:12 PM
"Heavenly sunshine . . . " my inner mind is singing an old hymn, and thinking how glorious your pathway has been and will continue to be in all endeavors, I feel sure! This name transformation is a wonderful "coming of age" story, if you ask me, and I look forward to continuing to follow your career and artistic expression through the internet and maybe someday, in person. For now, I congratulate you on claiming your rightful place as the "reyna" of your own destiny, and thank you and your family once again, as many times, for the generosity with which you have shared your journey(s). It's time to chart your own course and I'm sure it will continue to amaze all who encounter you, as well as your family and your own sense of wonder. P.S. My daughter had a friend from about age 9-11 named Heaven! I was amazed at the time and now, I am pleased to "know" you by your given name, Heavenly Reyna.
Posted by: Margaret Sch. | December 17, 2019 at 06:08 AM
Thanks so much Margaret! You are always such a inspiring and positive person & our whole family is grateful that we connected here online!
I am sure that in the not too distant future we will cross paths in person one of these days when Heavenly is touring!
I hadn't thought of this moment as a "coming of age" story, but of course you are right.
It is a remarkable moment in parenting, when we watch our children launch into the world & I am grateful Heavenly finally gets to claim her real name that really has so much to do with who she is and her story.
It will take us all a while to get use to this, but it feels so right. She has always gotten positive compliments on her name & she is thrilled that she is getting positive feedback everywhere now about this.
Wishing you and yours a beautiful Christmas & New Year!!
Posted by: Jeanne Dee | December 21, 2019 at 12:04 PM
Aww, that is so sweet of you Lucretia!! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!
Posted by: jeanne dee | December 21, 2019 at 12:08 PM
Oh how perfect! Names hold so much power and symbolism. Such a perfect name, so glad Heavenly is ready to claim her true name! And bravo to you and her Dad for keeping her true name secret (which is sacred) for her protection on-line during her fairy tale childhood. Blessings to you three!!
Posted by: Teresa | February 16, 2020 at 02:14 PM
Wow, I'm not sure if you'll see this as it's an older post, but I was just reminiscing about how I used to read your blog, and it was part of my inspiration to change my life and do something similar - it turned into a lucrative travel career, one I've been enjoying for around 12 years now. I always thought Mozart looked and sounded like an angel... when I first saw the name Heavenly, I thought, where is Mozart? Then I was a bit floored. Wow, time goes by so fast, and how aptly named she was. This gives me chills. Thanks for sharing your lives, and hers with the world.
Posted by: K.C. | August 21, 2021 at 01:53 PM
Aw, thanks KC! I am so happy to hear your news & to know that we helped inspire you!!
The blog is quite slow now, so I am just now seeing this. She is really happy to be able to use her real name in public again and not be confined by her nickname.
It is funny that I dreamt her name long before I met her father. So ofc I did not know it was going to be Heavenly Reyna!
It still confuses some people because Reyna has become a popular first name and most think of "heavenly" as an adjective, so it sometimes takes some explaining.
Heavenly really does suit her and people have told her that her whole life and have said "what a pretty name" so she loves reclaiming it and it has been easier than we expected in many ways.
She also has a long middle name and took my last name too, so her whole name is longer, but I think in time she will be just known as Heavenly.
As she launches, we are preparing to get back to travel and looking forward to that too ( and will update the blog likely). It is such an old blog, but still helps many with all the info.
The pandemic as changed us all, but I think eventually will also open up to more digital nomads as now so many have learned that they can school any where and work any where.
I feel lucky that we were pioneers in all of this & also grateful to all the people who used this blog to change their lives like you!!
Posted by: Jeanne Dee | September 23, 2021 at 02:26 PM