
Heavenly Reyna Drops "Come Back" via Teddy Marquee & Ophelia Records!

July 18, 2023

Heavenly Reyna Drops %22Come Back%22 via Teddy Marquee & Ophelia Records!
Don't miss this Friday (July 21) release of "Come Back" by Heavenly Reyna on Spotify and everywhere via Ophelia Records ( Advent Volume VII)  that she did with producer Teddy Marquee and Dalton Cyr! Heavenly just got back from Europe and TwitchCon Paris & is already flying off this week to shoot a lead in a film on the east coast where she also sings another beautiful song. ( Thankfully, that film has permission from her SAG union). What a summer!

Heavenly Reyna Drops %22Come Back%22 via Teddy Marquee & Ophelia Records! spotify advent ophelia
She actually wrote and sang the song a while ago with some talented friends, so this was a fun surprise. The first photo is her performing live just before she left for Europe with BluelistTV ( on Twitch and in person) at the summer series at GoodboyBob Coffee in Santa Monica. I will write more about her trip to Europe, our time together in Spain and her glamping soon! Yes, she even performed for a world audience from a tent!!

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