
Train Travel in Europe with Kids

May 27, 2013

Train travel in Europe rocks!

Train travel in Europe with kids is one of the best ways to enjoy your European family vacation. It is true we have mostly traveled Europe by campervan ( which is our favorite way to travel) but that doesn't mean we haven't also used tons of trains while traveling around Europe.

My girl riding the train to Barcelona, Spain

We prefer slow travel and being unplugged, ( to not burn out with extended travel) so it is not unusual for us to park our motorhome and do much of our exploring Europe by foot, biking like vineyards along with mass transit like buses and trains where appropriate or even cargo ships and sail boats.


France Highest Train

Norway Trains and Fjords

Cinque Terra Travel by Train

Fast Train between Seville and Cordoba, Spain

Italian Riviera - luxury on a budget

Trains Portugal for Oporto and Dhrhou Valley

Krakow Holiday Vacation ( train from Vienna)

Train Trip England

Yellow Train French Pyrenees

Train and Ferry from Spain through Morocco

Famous famous Flam and Bergen Railway Norway

My girl riding the train in England and doing homeschool on the road

If it is a long trip, it is not unusal for Mozart to get some homeschool done or reading along the way, but I also think it is a great world school lesson on many levels..using transportation as an opportunity to learn first hand about a place.

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This is some wonderful information and you point out some great tips that will help me the next time I travel with the little one's. Great Post!

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