
Art,Travel, Kids, Jordan

June 20, 2011

Drawing of Petra Jordan by 10 year old child

Did you know that adding colored pencils and paper to your day pack when you travel with kids, can add a lot of enjoyment, educational value to your family travel, and the best family vacation souvenirs?

Art has added so much to our open-ended, family world tour that we have been taking for the last five years. Not only just seeing it, like  in museums in Paris, or the Uffitzi in Florence, Met in NYC, or Guggenheim and Dali museums in Spain or prehistoric art in caves in Spain and France ( see my tips for museums with kids).

But also by watching artists at work like the Byzantine artist in Crete, spinning clay in Cappadocia cave, the many fascinating hand-made craft workes in Morocco, Art and Calligraphy in Asia, the pottery and lacemakers in Galicia , weavers in Bhutan and many other such opportunities. We often buy art that we see made and get a picture with the artist who made it, just as we appreciate street artists as we roam and contribute to them for what they give to us.

Plus visiting a famous artist's home like Giverny and Monet's Garden or Dali's and his wife's, after getting to know their work well in museums around the world and books adds educational value and dimension

Perhaps though, one of the top ways is through the child's own art expression like when our 7 year old child drew this Unesco World Heritage site spontaneously in Portugal:

Recenly we traveled to Jordan and visited Petra with camel rides which were highlights for our ten year old daughter Mozart. We love this drawing she did about her experiences in Jordan and plan to frame it and keep it forever. We're proud of our ten year old artist and know that the art lesson and result just solidifies and adds to our happy memories forever.

How does art affect your travels?

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Lori - The Unframed World

Art is great! It's so wonderful that you're all able to appreciate it and engage with it as a family. What is your favorite art medium?

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Thanks Lori! Art has added so much to our travels and since we are all artists we especially enjoy it.

I think it adds something very special to travel...especially family travel..but really for anyone.

Hard to say what is our favorite medium as we love it all and really try to live life as art.

Colored pencils and paper are easiest for travel because they are so portable. But we have paints, clay and various things.

Sometimes we just use nature like Goldsworthy. ;)

Tracy Antonioli

Wow. Just wow. That is so awesome. I love the drawing at the top of this post, but especially the video (and particularly the last 15 seconds or so!) What an amazing experience you are giving your children. LOVE it!

Jeanne @soultravelers3

Wow, thanks Tracy! So happy to hear you loved this!! Always a gratifying thing to hear and I was wondering if any liked our 10 year old's drawing at the top, which we thought was quite good for her age.

I am not sure which video you loved, but glad you did. ;)


Looks like you have a budding artist in the pack, the color pencil drawing is really beautiful. Instead of simply handing the kids the digital camera it was a brilliant idea to gave them some colors and papers for a much more worthwhile activity and appreciation of the trip.

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