Mozart Plays Mozart and More - Violin and Piano Performance
February 24, 2014

Soon after her 13th birthday in Sydney, Mozart played Mozart and more at a recital in Asia at the international school in Penang where she was doing homeschool electives.
Mozart is a talented teen singer/songwriter and musician who plays violin, piano ( from 2 and 3 years old) guitar, didgeridoo, has a 4 octave voice and loves to perform, but this is not easy combined with our non-stop world travel lifestyle.

She recently got an A on an advanced high school music theory class online through Johns Hopkins University CTY with Dr. Jolie Lin ( PhD from the prestigious Peabody Conservatory ) who said to Mozart, "I hope you continue in music as you are very musical".
She was thrilled with this opportunity to perform, so we are sharing it with you:
Not only does the world travel, minimalism, and tight budget make it more challenging to support Mozart's musical talents, but neither of us parents play instruments or have musical training. Yet we try to support her passion for music as we roam the globe.
She is the only kid since Wolfgang Armadeus Mozart to do extensive world travel with a violin and piano and now we have added guitar and didgeridoo! I must admit her daily practice is often one of my favorite times of the day.
She also sang Pie Jesu beautifully like an angel, but alas, we had a malfunction with our equipment, so will try to record that again another time soon.

Most of the students did just one instrument and one piece, but Mozart didn't want to miss the opportunity to perform three disciplines and she was the only singer.
She also got to do a lead in a play with a singing part while at that International School which she also adored doing.

We are proud of our courageous, artistic little girl and always a little astounded by her fearlessness to share herself in front of a crowd, whether it is public speaking, singing or playing music around the world.
These opportunities are always initiated by Mozart, so that gives us the impetus to support her and understand her needs. Her passion for performance and music seems to keep increasing as she grows. She mananaged to practice for this recital as we were traveling quite fast on another continent and also sang in Mandarin around the same time at a huge Chinese wedding ( video coming).

It was her idea to try our mother-daughter bonding hair-do that makes her hair all wavy after a day of braids in the "10" look and she excitedly got her first pair of "wedgies" ( with small heel) to perform ( always the fashionista). We were so sorry her hair covered her face in the piano piece, but live and learn. At least you can see how much she feels the music.
She was joyfully rewarded with a rose and was grateful for the experience, camaraderie with friends who also love music and a chance to prepare and share music from her heart.
Do you have a creative child who loves music and art? How do you support them?
Soon after her 13th birthday in Sydney, Mozart played Mozart and more at a recital in Asia at the international school in Penang where she was doing homeschool electives.
Mozart is a talented teen singer/songwriter and musician who plays violin, piano ( from 2 and 3 years old) guitar, didgeridoo, has a 4 octave voice and loves to perform, but this is not easy combined with our non-stop world travel lifestyle.
She recently got an A on an advanced high school music theory class online through Johns Hopkins University CTY with Dr. Jolie Lin ( PhD from the prestigious Peabody Conservatory ) who said to Mozart, "I hope you continue in music as you are very musical".
She was thrilled with this opportunity to perform, so we are sharing it with you:
Not only does the world travel, minimalism, and tight budget make it more challenging to support Mozart's musical talents, but neither of us parents play instruments or have musical training. Yet we try to support her passion for music as we roam the globe.
She is the only kid since Wolfgang Armadeus Mozart to do extensive world travel with a violin and piano and now we have added guitar and didgeridoo! I must admit her daily practice is often one of my favorite times of the day.
She also sang Pie Jesu beautifully like an angel, but alas, we had a malfunction with our equipment, so will try to record that again another time soon.
Most of the students did just one instrument and one piece, but Mozart didn't want to miss the opportunity to perform three disciplines and she was the only singer.
She also got to do a lead in a play with a singing part while at that International School which she also adored doing.
We are proud of our courageous, artistic little girl and always a little astounded by her fearlessness to share herself in front of a crowd, whether it is public speaking, singing or playing music around the world.
These opportunities are always initiated by Mozart, so that gives us the impetus to support her and understand her needs. Her passion for performance and music seems to keep increasing as she grows. She mananaged to practice for this recital as we were traveling quite fast on another continent and also sang in Mandarin around the same time at a huge Chinese wedding ( video coming).
It was her idea to try our mother-daughter bonding hair-do that makes her hair all wavy after a day of braids in the "10" look and she excitedly got her first pair of "wedgies" ( with small heel) to perform ( always the fashionista). We were so sorry her hair covered her face in the piano piece, but live and learn. At least you can see how much she feels the music.
She was joyfully rewarded with a rose and was grateful for the experience, camaraderie with friends who also love music and a chance to prepare and share music from her heart.
Do you have a creative child who loves music and art? How do you support them?
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Mozart's music is not too shabby(:
I'm a horrible artist(can't draw, paint, sculpt etc...) but I play violin and piano. Right now, I'm playing Lalo's Symphonie Espanol on the violin and Bach, Beethoven, and Chopin on the piano. I try to practice one hour each everyday. Neither of my parents play musical instruments. I think Mozart should play Mozart Concertos, because it would make for a great title!I played my first Mozart concerto when I was 12, although I don't travel around the world nearly as much as Mozart.Some questions for Mozart:Have you learned vibrato yet?
What pieces are you playing right now, or do you want to play?
Posted by: HarryPotterViolinist | February 24, 2014 at 01:03 PM
Thanks HPviolinist! Mozart loves art almost as much as music..and her father is an artist and I am also artistic, so that one is easier for us. We, like your parents have no training in music.
Sounds like you are doing great! Good for you for practicing an hour a day in each...that will help you go far. Mozart doesn't usually practice that much.
At the moment Mozart is between lessons on both violin and not working on new things, but we will get her a teacher soon.
She is also teaching herself some Adele songs on the piano and working more on singing and guitar at the moment and mastering the didgeridoo.
She spends time every day on all 4 instruments and now singing. She is learning a Beatles song on the guitar.
She enjoys classical, but also really likes pop, jazz,R&B and blues etc.
She will get back to more Mozart etc on the violin and piano soon. ;)
Things are a bit more challenging on the move, so she goes in and out of learning music as it is not always easy to have access to instruments or teachers.
It took a while to track down the digital piano we are using here...( we have one in Europe in our RV too and just sold one when we left Asia) and we are using the ironing board here as the stand!
We also had to wait until we came here to the US to get her a new violin that she was needing for a while.
So she often has these kinds of work arounds to deal with thus we are thankful that she has managed to do as well as she has.
Constant world travel and a kid learning music is not the easiest combo! ;)
Posted by: Jeanne @soultravelers3 | February 25, 2014 at 07:45 AM
@ Jeanne @soultravelers3 Constant world travel and a kid learning music sounds hard to deal with! I love Adele's music. Playing the didgeridoo looks hard! I wonder how you get such a big instrument around the world(: Playing four instruments and singing must be hard to manage-I only play two, and I think it's too much because I also want to run cross-country and track at school, so I'm quitting violin. I agree, it must be REALLY hard to find time, or even a place to practice when you're constantly moving around the world. If I had the lifestyle that you do, I don't think I would be able to play as good as Mozart does, or I wouldn't play any instruments. Do other people in the hotel mind when Mozart is practicing music?
If you want, maybe I could give her a few lessons for free about vibrato on the violin through FaceTime or skype? I teach music theory at a chorus to younger kids, so I have some teaching experience.I'm the concertmistress at my school orchestra,so I help teach violin and rhythm sometimes.
Just one thing-I haven't played violin nearly as long as Mozart. I've played for 6 years, so tell me what you think(:
Posted by: abluepatronus | February 25, 2014 at 02:33 PM
Sorry if I confused you. HarryPotterViolinist and abluepatronus are both me.
Posted by: abluepatronus | February 26, 2014 at 01:24 PM
Thanks for caring @abluepotronus! I see you say "concertmistress" and I thought you were a boy! LOL
It is not as hard as it seems and we just pack the didgeridoo to travel with it. Mostly we have traveled with just the violin and buy/rent digital pianos as we roam.
Life is always a compromise in one way or another. Combining travel and musical instruments can be a challenge, and perhaps Mozart would likely be much further ahead had we stayed in one place and pursued music with great passion, BUT she would not be enriched by her deep cultural, language and travel experiences.
And like you say, even staying in one place, you are giving up an instrument to do cross country, so even in one place there are challenges...because no one can do it all.
Mozart's musical passion at the moment is singing and song writing, so she is focused on that primarily in the music arena.
BUT it looks like she will be joining an elite youth orchestra with violin soon which will be fun for her too.
Thanks so much for your sweet offer. Why don't you contact us through our contact page ( it goes directly to our email) and we will see if we can work out a time.
We are still working out Mozart's schedule now as that always takes a while in a new place for classes, friends, and her teaching languages here and on skype in different time zones.
She is a busy kid which it sounds like you are too!
Posted by: Jeanne @soultravelers3 | March 02, 2014 at 07:42 AM